Life’s charmers—when you meet them at work, don’t they make your 9-5 go faster? Teaming up with someone who is not merely competent but adorable, what a great way to have extra fun along with greater success! In your love life, a playful, agreeable personality can keep your romance ever fresh. But know what? A bright new sprig of hemlock can look mighty fresh, too.

With any two people, the one who exudes more physical c al confidence tends to be the one with more charm. Comparing your charm versus your partner’s, don’t confuse confidence with posture. Confident body language can range from strongly commanding to elaborately casual. And some of the biggest slouchers you know exude immense confidence. Think Hugh Grant or John Cusack.

Nonverbal enticements can be subtle. For example, unlike animals who aggressively charge toward their prey, charmers lean in for the seduction. When your knees start to wobble, wait before you trust a charmer with little things like your credit card or your private parts. Observe this cutie in group situations. How much charm does he/she lavish on people other than you?

FACE READINGDimples come in many varieties, each signaling a different type of charm. Read dimples on the left side of the face to learn about your

DIMPLESDimples can be so charming, but they are NOT all created equal. Become a Dimple Detective. Start by noticing whether or not the person is smiling. The presence or absence of a smile will place any dimples in the kind of context a face reader needs. Half the drawings above show no smile, not even a fake one. See that?

Excellent! Now match the dimple type to its corresponding illustration:
• No dimple
• One peek a boo dimple
• Powerline dimples
• Permanent dimples

Just to spice things up, two of these illustrations show a type of wrinkle that can be mistaken for a dimple, but isn’t. Can you spotthat, too?

Because no dimple shows here, all you know for sure from this one drawing is that this woman doesn’t have permanent dimples.
She might have one of the other types of dimple. To know for sure, you’ll have to catch her smiling.

PEEK A BOO DIMPLEOur smiler’s one dimple shows on her right cheek, so she charms at work more than her social life.

Always charming, and probably very aware of the fact — don’t trust this dimple owner until you have read her aura .

POWERLINE DIMPLESTwo deep semi-circles grace the cheeks of the woman in this illustration. She has gained the kind of charm that relates to humility.

But don’t be jealous. Earning dimples like these is no fun. Life smashed her down; getting up, she choose gratitude . What about those mouth-framer lines, which you’ll see in both our illustrations (Page 73) on the left? Don’t confuse them with dimples.

Here’s one way to tell the difference. Try smiling in front of a mirror. Now try, just try, to give yourself cheek dimples. Well, trying won’t work. You can’t give yourself powerlines or peek a boos. If you have permanent dimples, you can’t use your facial muscles to make those cute circles either appear or disappear. But you can give yourself mouth-framer lines. Just scrunch up the corners of your mouth. (A fake smile helps, with lips closed, then pulled sideways.) What’s the meaning, if lines like these show when you’re not making faces in front of a mirror? This person habitually tries very hard to be pleasant… maybe too hard.

Read dimples on the right side of the face to learn about someone at work. Peek a boo dimples are circular shapes on cheeks that pop out with a smile, disappearing afterwards. Signaling a sweet disposition, these dimples reveal a talent for helping others to lighten up and laugh, especially when situations grow tense. Permanent dimples are circular shapes on cheeks that show regardless of whether or not the rest of the face is smiling. Permanent dimples may signal a professional charmer, someone who knowingly manipulates others. Or this person may simply be chronically adorable. You be the judge. Powerline dimples show with smiles, or become more pronounced with smiles, taking the form of a curvy, vertical crease (reminiscent of parentheses). Some cheeks develop multiple sets. With this kind of charm, the more, the better. Powerlines express habits like kindness, graciousness, and humility.

Charmingly DangerousThe most dangerous kind of charm should be investigated when your partner is over 40. Does the face look 10 or more years younger than his/her real age? Observe carefully, because you may be responding to energy rather than the face itself. Youthful energy is a plus, not so an overly youthful face. Consider yourself warned when a mature face shows no lines around the eyes or forehead, no softening at the jaws, no wrinkles anywhere. That person is likely to be lighthearted and charming. Maybe he/she looks so youthful due to a healthy lifestyle. But it’s equally possible that he/she hasn’t aged facially because of arrested emotional development.

When sociopaths are in the news, notice how often they look younger than their years. What about psychologically healthy people? Being well adjusted but way self-absorbed, they may appear physically youthful, too. Cult members often look ultra-young, ascribing their winning appearance to the victorious powers of their “Movement.” Maybe they’re right but maybe they’re not. Keep reading deeper. What about today’s social ideal, youthfulness via cosmetic surgery? Multiple face lifts and other surgical procedures have inner consequences. Because of the reciprocal relationship between inner person and physical face, surgically reclaimed youthfulness does affect the inner person. The sort of procedures that cause movie stars to look half their age — we’ve been trained to think of this as a kind of “freshening up.”

How crazy is that? You freshen up by using soap and water, not a knife. What is the inner cost of an artificially extended shelf life? Reading auras, you can find out. Maybe there is no inner cost. Maybe the surgery brings inner youthfulness, dazzle, and a new start on life. Depends on the individual, doesn’t it? But before you go on to the level of auras, be honest with yourself. What is your motivation to be in this relationship? Do you seek a companion whose main value lies in helping you to feel important? Perhaps you are seeking a trophy in human form. Many people do, and there is no law against it. In this case, you might not want to read any deeper than you have so far. You want charm? And you have found it? Enjoy yourself! But if you are curious to know more, aura reading would be a really smart choice.

Charm shows so clearly in auras. It can be as fresh and pure as homemade ice cream. Unfortunately, some charmers have auras with hooks, pushiness, grease or other problems—not tasty additions to an ice cream sundae and unlikely to add to your happiness , either.

How can you tell what’s going on? Begin with your usual Preparation Process: Pay attention to your inner awareness, then Get Big and set an intention to learn about charm.

Plug-in at the Facades databank at the Communication Chakra.

Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, make note.

Plug-in at the Intimacy databank at the Emotional Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, make note.

Plug-in at the Spontaneity databank at the Sexual Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, also make note.

Plug-in at the Presence When Entering the Room databank at the Physical Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, make note. Doing research like this, you will learn to recognize variations on the themes of charm.

Charm can be delicious. It can be sincere. Some of the most adorable people you’ll meet have no idea at all how charming they are.

And when someone’s natural behavior melts your heart, that’s something more than charm. You haven’t been either manipulated or merely amused. You have been blessed. Every time a heart opens up more, the spiritual growth is lasting. And so, let’s give three real cheers for those who possess authentic charm.

Still, it’s caution time when the main thing you register about another person is “What a charmer!” At such times, remember. Within the word “charm” lies “harm.”

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment , Aura Transformation , Regression Therapy .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings , another form of spiritual reading.

She's an expert on Aura here at

Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website, .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

Reading Through All Your Sense , all about energy fields.

Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality

Empowered by EMPATHY

The Power of FACE Reading


Let Today Be a HOLIDAY

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here:

With over 100,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, at or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you'll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community at

This article is excerpted from Rose's New Book, Read People Deeper , to purchase your own copy visit, .

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