It’s sad that a lot of people get away with telling lies. But the good news is that there are nonverbal signs of lying that can help you figure out who’s sincere and who’s deceptive.

Learning to detect nonverbal signs of lying is a handy skill to have. It helps you steer clear of bad business deals, one-sided friendships and keeps you off the swindler’s list. So if you’re ready to maintain the upper hand, read on!

Nonverbal Signs of Lying Number 1: Constant face touching

When telling a lie, a person can’t help but touch different parts of their face—whether it’s rubbing the nose or scratching the cheek. That person will keep doing this as way of fighting the natural urge to tell the truth.

Nonverbal Signs of Lying Number 2: Avoiding Eye contact

People who lie can’t look you in the eye. In fact, there are instances when just staring at the person for a full minute can lead to a confession.

It’s unnerving to be stared at when you know you’re not telling the truth… unless of course, the person is a compulsive liar and has practiced the art of making eye contact despite being deceptive.

Nonverbal Signs of Lying Number 3: Constant fidgeting

This can range from the shifting of weight from one foot to another, to constantly fiddling around with whatever object the person is holding.

It’s not natural to tell a lie, so the body is trying to overcome the urge to spill the beans by fidgeting around.

Once you have mastered the nonverbal signs of lying, you can avoid other people getting away with lying to your face. Even when they say that you should always leave room for doubt, don’t be too complacent and always be on your guard.

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Discover how to detect lies by reading people body language and easily persuade anyone using ethical mind control techniques . Grab your FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at