I’d like to say that New Years Resolutions NEVER work, but I think that is a bit harsh. There are those few folks who seem to achieve each and every goal they set out to attain. However, having spent the last ten years in the recruiting and training business – I have seen more goals not achieved than achieved. And often these goals were set by people who, when interviewed, boasted history of success and had fire in their belly.

Then why failure?

Blame it on the coach. And think back to your childhood. How many times did you clean your room if you knew that nobody was going to check on it? I would venture to guess that you really only cleaned it when you knew Mom or Dad were coming up in the next half hour to check it out. And I hate to break it to all you professionals out there – but you are really still a kid at heart. The number one area where I can speak with some real depth of knowledge is in accountability or lack thereof. I have worked with numerous executives who still need to be held accountable. And I hold myself in that category. Let’s face it, we all have numerous interests and activities that we must complete on a daily basis – our work tasks – whether in a career or at home – are not always our favorite things to do. And if no one is checking, they will be the last tasks we do.
What does this have to do with our New Years Resolution?
Well, unless you love cleaning out those closets you vowed to organize or enjoy the thought of lugging yourself to the gym everyday; your New Years Resolution may just as well be work. You won’t accomplish it unless you find a way to be held accountable and find yourself a good coach.

How do you find a Coach?

You don’t have to spend $1000’s of dollars for the best coach on line or in person. All you need is someone you trust who has experience in helping others attain goals. They do not need to be an expert in your goal – because they are not necessarily going to show you how to do it – they are going to hold you accountable for taking the right steps.And you may have a good coach right in your own home. I have found my 16 year old son – if I tell him something I am going to do, is the best coach in the world. He rarely lets me forget something I told him. If you are not comfortable sharing with someone you know or live with – then go ahead and hire someone. But most importantly, before you give them any money – let them know your expectations and find out their measurements of a successful coaching program – you are the client; just like in any professional relationship.

Whether it’s your child, your boss, or someone you hire – having a coach will increase your odds of success substantially. Just remember those days of doing your chores or running those laps at basketball practice. Would you have ever done those things were it not for a good hounding every now and then? If you really want to attain your goals in 2008, open yourself up to a good hounding and reap the rewards!

Author's Bio: 

1990 Graduate of Salisbury University, Purdue School of Business
LUTCF from The American College
Life/Health, Series 7
Dale Carnegie Graduate
Leadership in Life Institute Graduate
Weight Loss Coach
Trainer/coach and Recruiter in the insurance industry