We share what we know, so that we all may grow."

The technique of Visualisation.

As I mentioned in Part One in controlling our thoughts and attitudes, visualisation is a great help in setting your personal goals. Use it as a tool, be persistent like a yappy dog biting at your ankles and you'll get there in the end.

American John Kehoe (interesting spiritual sort of fellow) has written extensively on this subject in various works. Very interesting books he writes. He is the one who hibernated in the woods of Canada or Alaska for five years contemplating the mind and talking to the trees.

I too am writing in virtual hibernation, here in "Sleepy Hollow". For the last six years! Perhaps it's good for writing by forcing one to focus. Anyway the creative juices seem to flow well here in Gisborne, New Zealand. The country has produced some great Kiwi writers... probably because nothing else much happens to write about other than wonderful rugby and the price of peas!
Some more on VISUALISATION...

Work out what your goal is. What do you want to become? What sort of person do you want to be? Picture what changes you want to make in yourself and in your life...for the better, of course!

Set stepping stones (or sub-goals) as sign posts along the way. To guide you and ensure that you stay on track. They can be your short-term or medium-term goals, say one month to one year. The marathon runner doesn't think of the finish line, but the lamp post in the distance...or perhaps the next drink spot. Thinking of the big picture often seems impossible, so it can be very discouraging. However, attaining sub goals can help you with a more immediate focus and keep you on track. Their attainment rewards you along the way in your pursuit of the grand plan; because I find that I can get satisfaction from taking one step at a time. At least I'm moving forward... for a change! Just not sure whether I'm headed in the right direction!

Make daily affirmations to yourself to keep yourself positive and focussed on the way ahead. (Still remember affirmations and self talk from Chapter Five?). Have written goal checks to review your progress, to ensure that you are on track - on the right path. These are a good aid in reassessing your performance and how well you are doing on your chosen path. I've gone so far down my track, if it's the wrong one it's a bit late to turn back. I'll just visit the soup kitchens and live in a plastic bag in a septic tank (as my dear boys think I'll turn out!) Seriously (for a change) though, it's never too late to change direction; look at South Africa and Apartheid, the fall of Communism, Israel and Palestine...
Oops, then but this was first written in 1993!

Set priorities. It is important to have flexible goals; they are not set in concrete and can be changed as you change and develop. Remember changing goals in mid stream doesn't mean losing ground. As long as you grow personally, you are making the most of yourself.



1. Set BIG goals

2. Make long range goals

3. Make short term and daily goals

4. Goals should be specific

5. Goals should be realistic

6. Luck is not involved in achieving your goals

7. Don't make goals to please someone else - they are for you alone.

Set SMART goals: ie. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and with a time-frame).

It's your life and no one else can live it for you. Listen to your parent's advice; but young adults, you make the decision about the career you want. Not knowing what I wanted to do after finishing school (and then university), I followed my dear father into insurance , not thinking that I would have to spend half my working/'waking' life in that occupation, "Dumbo!"

Setting goals should involve CAREFUL PLANNING. In setting goals we need to allow for our future growth and development. If you want to grow, you've got to use your potential to the fullest.

I believe life is one long journey of self discovery. It is also a great opportunity for self improvement - to grow day by day, even though you might have the occasional stumble and fall. As you can see, I'm continually dragging myself up off the floor after being beaten by old ladies (and dwarfs) with their brollies. If you're in a big hole, like me (story of my life), the first thing to do is to stop digging. But if you accept yourself and are happy just the way you are, that's fine by me too.

"Plant the right seed to get the right plant"- anon.

"Bloom where you are planted."- anon

I don't know WHY I'm where I am... but there MUST be a good reason.

"Keep your mind on what you want and off what you don't want"- Napoleon Hill (author of that wonderful book 'Think and Grow Rich')

You MUST read it.

"You will become as small as your controlling desires; as great as your dominant aspiration"- James Allen


Live your dreams , believe in yourself, love, strive to be the best you can be ... and most importantly, be happy.

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions Books )

* Edwin Hubbel Chapin once said, "Every action of our lives touches on
some chord that will vibrate in eternity." That is the definition of alegacy. Wouldn't you love to do something that might strike a
beautiful chord that will "vibrate in eternity"?


Publishing Guidelines:
We hope that the following new article (an extract from Chapter Two - Part II of one of Craig's first manuscripts ("rather crazy and wacky") titled 'STEPS TO SUCCESS, PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS' may be informative and helpful to your ezine readers, or on your web site. If it helps others "out there" in any way, then we're very happy. This article (as with all his articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

Author's Bio: 

About the author:
Craig, through his writings (together with a "dash or two" of humour), loves to encourage and empower people to create what they want along life's magical journey...and also be the best they can possibly be...
and doing this brings him the greatest joy.

The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at:
www.lulu.com/craiglock and

"Together, one mind at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower and encourage to reach their fullest potentials."