Personal Life Coaching is a systematic approach to self-help and personal development , which shows you how to realize your full potential so you can live a better, happier and more abundant life.

With the right coach, you can quickly be on the path to enhancing all aspects of your life. And, making improvements and life changes is not complex. As a matter of fact, the biggest and best changes are usually the most straightforward to implement.

In plain terms, making your life better takes knowledge, awareness and simple action, nothing more and nothing less. Creating a partnership with an exceptional coach makes the process more enjoyable and has many great benefits.

What Your Life Coach Doesn't Want You to Know The first thing you should clearly understand about life coaching is the outcome of your coaching is up to you, not the coach.

An exceptional coach will be certified and use a "coaching process" that is proven, flexible and uncomplicated. They will be able to take you step-by-step through determining what dreams , goals and desires you want to accomplish, and then develop a succinct plan for getting you from where you are today to where you want to be.

There should be no mystery surrounding how the coaching process works or what the role of the coach is. In addition, you should also be aware of your responsibilities and the expectations your coach has of you as they take you towards your goal.

The second thing you should understand is, although the process is important, it's not the only factor that will make your coach exceptional.

The coach's life experience will be a critical aspect in helping you quickly and easily obtain your goal. A coach who has been through a life transformation and currently lives a healthy, abundant and joy-filled life will guide you to your goals more easily and without any guesswork.

There is no substitute for hands-on life experience. It's the same relationship an apprentice has with his mentor when learning a trade. The mentor guides the apprentice based on his real-world knowledge and time-honored know-how. The mentor's in-depth understanding saves the apprentice from having to go through the tedious, time-consuming trial and error process as they learn.

Instead, the apprentice sees and learns how to "do it right the first time" and then implements the "correct" knowledge from the start, eliminating guesswork and saving precious time.

An exceptional coach will work with you in the same fashion. They will use their valuable life experience to guide you towards reaching your dreams , desires and goals without any hindrance. They will systematically allow you to follow your natural path while at the same time help you to bypass many of the roadblocks you would encounter on your own.

Why You Need an Exceptional Coach The first and foremost reason is time. Entering into a partnership with an exceptional coach will allow you to achieve your goals more quickly, provided you strictly follow your coach's guidance.

In addition, working with an exceptional coach can eliminate stress in your life and help you stay clearly focused on where you are going and obtaining your desires.

So, what makes a coach exceptional? 3 things:

1 - They can remove their ego and beliefs from the coaching relationship and be completely non-judgmental.An exceptional coach doesn't judge. They don't base your life and your life circumstances on their own. They make no assumptions about you and they are impeccable with they word. They adhere to a strict code of coaching ethics and always put your best interest forward as they provide you their guidance.

2 - They use a time-honored systematic approach, along with their personal life transformation experience, to guide you towards reaching your dreams , desires and goals without any guesswork.

An exceptional coach helps you become clear on what's really important to you, and then develops a straightforward plan to accomplish your goal so you can live a happier, more enjoyable and abundant life.

Helping you achieve your goal is their only focus and a great reward for not only you, but also them.

3 - They have the ability and understanding to intuitively and creatively guide you to see, hear and feel how amazing your life will be when you do obtain what you want.

An exceptional coach knows that "experiencing is believing," and they will use their creative ability to help you understand how great your life will be once your goal is obtained. This amazing practice will keep you locked on your goal and help you to achieve it more quickly.

Finding Your Exceptional Coach The best way to find the right coach for you is to interview them. Many coaches offer a no-charge, no-obligation exploratory coaching session, so make sure you use this to your greatest advantage.

As you interact with them in your initial consultation, ask the following questions:

  • What will this coach actually do for me?
  • Do you have a strict, published Code of Ethics?
  • How will your coaching program match my needs?
  • Have you ever been through a personal life transformation ?
  • Do you, or have you, ever had a coach?

Ask pointed questions that will help you determine if the coach is a good coach, or an exceptional coach who will be the right one for you.

One Last Thing
Exceptional coaching will give you extraordinary results without the guesswork. It's the perfect way to improve your life skills and enhance your over-all quality of life. Life balance, self-improvement and personal growth can all be obtained more easily and with greater accuracy when you partner with an exceptional coach. Take the time to research, ask questions and find the right exceptional coach for you.

Author's Bio: 

Ed McDonough is a certified personal development and business coach, and the founder of Intuitive Life. He specializes in helping people raise the quality of their life through knowledge, awareness and simple action. For more information and to take your free quality of life assessment visit: