Have you heard of hudor? Its effects overshadow even the most potent ancient Chinese herbs . Its healing capabilities outperform wonder drugs from deep in the Amazonian rain forest. It holds the key to countless health benefits and wellness miracles .

Hudor can make your nails stronger, hair healthier, and teeth whiter. It greatly reduces skin problems and acne. It can even take away wrinkles and make your lips fuller. It promotes better skin circulation and tone, while often adding color as well. Hudor can heal chapped lips and dry mouth. Even chronic bad breath is often neutralized with proper doses.

Hudor acts as a catalyst for transporting essential nutrients throughout the body and performs as a solvent for all products of digestion, aiding absorption through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream.

Hudor promotes protein metabolism better than anabolic steroids. It also metabolizes energy-producing carbohydrates. It prevents muscle cramping; increases physical performance, strength, and endurance; and can lower your pulse rate and blood pressure. It is the best substance for maintaining electrolyte balance. It is the only proven ergogenic aid with no side effects or restrictions from the Food and Drug Administration.

The minerals potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium are essential for conducting electrical currents from the brain to the nervous system and then to the muscles signaling contractions. Hudor promotes this more effectively than any other element, even to the extent of preventing heart attacks.

Hudor also removes waste products from the body while simultaneously regulating its temperature. It is the key ingredient in chemical reactions that metabolize stored fat—especially when taken just before a meal and again right after. It can also act as a potent appetite suppressant, filling you up without any chemical side effects.

It promotes healing of injuries as well as illness. It boosts the immune system’s defenses better than any drug on the market. It holds the key to transporting antioxidants and aids in their effectiveness to fight cancer. It improves general comfort, mood, and well-being, while decreasing irritability and nervousness. It helps prevent fatigue and improves concentration, memory, and alertness.

Cuts, bruises, and even tendonitis are healed up to twice as fast with proper amounts of hudor, and chronic daily headaches are often permanently cured. Muscle soreness from injury, overuse, or exercise is cut in half or less with hudor. It also lengthens the life of all vital organs—especially the liver and kidneys—and is still available over the counter!

The significance of liver and kidney health is especially important to fat loss . If the kidneys are functioning properly, the liver doesn’t have to help them out and can concentrate on its job of taking fat out of your tissues to be burned off. Hudor directly affects both kidney and liver health in a very specific way, which in turn accelerates fat loss .

Where do you get hudor? It has been around since before man existed. Your body is made up of 65 percent hudor. It takes up more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface, and the nearest source is your tap. Hudor is the Greek word for water, and you’re probably not getting enough.

The average person loses two cups of water through normal perspiration. Another two cups is exhaled as water vapor during the process of breathing. Together, the intestines and kidneys use about four cups a day. That’s eight cups used just for living, not counting anything extra we might do during the day.

If you drink at least three quarts or more a day, you’re already experiencing its wonderful effects. If you are like most Americans, who drink dehydrating beverages like coffee, soda, and alcohol with very little water, the effects of three quarts or more daily will truly be miraculous. You may find yourself in the restroom more frequently, but just ask yourself, which is more inconvenient: finding a bathroom more often, or carrying around extra weight and being less healthy all the time?

Make sure you’re drinking it plain, too. Mineral and sparkling water often contain too much sodium. Soft drinks are even worse. Although their main ingredient is water, less than 10 percent of it will be absorbed because of all the preservatives, dyes, flavoring agents, sugar, sodium, and additives.

Pure, clean water is absorbed through the lining of the intestines. Juice, coffee, or soda is held within the intestines for further digestion. The process of digesting these other drinks can require even more water than originally found in the beverage! These drinks may further encourage dehydration, rather than relieving it. Try to get filtered water whenever possible. Reverse osmosis systems are the best and most effective at taking out the chemicals and sediment often found in municipal sources.

If additional water is not consumed to make up for a deficit, the body may be forced to draw on itself from the areas of richest supply, namely the muscles. When muscle tissue dehydrates by even as little as 3 percent, it will lose 10 percent of its contractile strength and 8 percent of its speed. Dehydration also adversely affects the structure and function of the nervous system, producing a miniscule but crucial shrinkage of the brain resulting in decreased concentration, coordination, performance, and sometimes a headache.

To obtain the benefits of the wonder fluid, go straight to the source and get the real thing in its cleanest form. The next time you find it hard to move off the couch, can’t concentrate, or are having a bad day, pour yourself a big glass of filtered water. It may also be the key to losing those last few stubborn pounds or the cure to a frustrating fitness plateau. It’s worth a try. It may be just that simple.

** This article is one of 101 great articles that were published in 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health. To get complete details on “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health”, visit http://selfgrowth.com/healthbook3.html

Author's Bio: 

P. J. Glassey, CSCS, started personal training in 1987 and phased into it full-time as an in-home trainer after receiving his B.S. degree in Exercise Science in 1989. P. J. and his wife Sharmon opened their own personal training studio in 1998 called the X Gym. The business has since grown to 3 studios in the Seattle area. Their program is so effective, 90 percent of their new clients come via word-of-mouth referrals from present and past satisfied customers. Visit their Web site at http://www.xgym.com .