Cracked, dry or sore lips are both unsightly and painful. They can be caused by a variety of conditions, and can also be symptoms of more serious illnesses. Lips are skin, similar in many respects to the skin on the rest of your body, but unlike much of your skin the lips do not produce natural oils to protect them.

Chapped lips are caused by heavy exposure to wind, sun or dry conditions in any season, but winter is especially troublesome. Chapped lips can have several reasons, including dry weather, overexposure to the sun, lip biting and sucking, riboflavin (vitamin B-2) insufficiencies and ill-fitting dentures. Chapped lips, differentiated by dry, rough, cracked, or reddened lips, are caused by a lack of moisture in the skin.

The process of repairing sun-bitten or snow-chapped lips is fairly simple with Neosporin Lip Treatment. The small 1/4 ounce tube squeezes out a small amount of lip treatment to cover the lip area with a few smooth strokes. The size of the lip treatment tube can be deceiving, because a little really does go a long way with this product. It is not meant to be slathered on like a roller ball lip gloss.

Apply some fresh orange juice drops on the afflicted area of the lips.

Immediately consult a doctor if you suspect your cracked lips are a symptom of a more serious condition. Your doctor may well refer you to a dermatologist.

Do not lick your lips. Licking your lips makes them feel better, but when the saliva evaporates the pain can increase.

Increase consumption of water and new non intoxicating liquids, Rub cucumber piece on your lips, Apply name leaf distill on your lips, Put some aloe Vera gel on your lips, Take a salty tub. Vitamin an is really significant for the increase and fix of the rind. Carrots, tomatoes and greenish leafy vegetables are the better sources of vitamin A. Make a vitamin wealthy juice by adding 1 tbsp. of water cress, carrot and spinach juice, 2 tbsp. wheat microbe oil, one glass of tomato juice, and 1 tbsp. of nutritional yeast. Eat entire grains, legumes and nutritional yeast. Avoid excessive use of commercial skin treatments including cosmetics and heavily flavored lip balms.

Apply the unflavored lip balm on your lips. It will keep your lips moisturized and prevent them from turning dry.

Increase the intake of liquids. Drink loads of water and other non alcoholic beverages.

Take a saline bath, as it is a very powerful remedy to combat the problem of dry chapped lips.

You need to use Vaseline or your favorite lip balm on your lips every night before you go to bed. Make sure to pile it on at night (do this every night). Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Remember to wear a lip balm with SPF 15 or higher to protect them. After a few days you'll notice a dramatic difference. Keep this up, and make it an everyday habit.

Use an oil-based lubricating cream, such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment, or lip balm containing petrolatum or beeswax.

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