"It was only when I realized that there was more to me than my past, my mistakes, and my faults that there was room made for my higher self."

John St.AugustineAuthor, audio Talk Show Host


"It was only when i realized that there was more to me than my past, my mistakes,and my faults that there was room made for my higher self."

John St.AugustineAuthor, audio Talk Show Host

His book, Living An Uncommon Life, was given to me by A Next Level Member and dear friend. It tells of a man's journey for greatness and purpose in life. In this particular chapter, he mets Oprah Winfrey by accident (if there is such a thing). He is seated at a table, and Oprah sits next to him. He then gets paired up with Stedman due to someone else not showing up to play golf. Then some other guy makes the off the cuff comment, "you should have a talk show" at the dinner and 4 years later he is all over the radio and featured on the Oprah and Friends channel on xm radio!

The reason I tell that much of his story is because it explains some things about getting ourselves out of the way and allowing. Let's look at, "when I realized that there was more to me than my past...." We have all heard that our past is our past, but I have found it very difficult for me and most people that I work with to allow it to stay there. Picture this. if we want to focus our intentions on the present, live in the present and get results for the present, we will need to release ourselves of spending time in the past. It is ok to reflect and learn from, but when it takes us from today, we have to release it!

One step at a time....

reply with one thing in your past that you will let go of today. The more the better, but pick at least one thing, and write it on a piece of paper, crumple it up and throw it away. If you have a shredder or a fireplace even better.

Then whenever this comes up, make a point of reflecting on the moment you through that "past" away.


"It was only when I realized that there was more to me than my past, my mistakes,and my faults that there was room made for my higher self."

John St.AugustineAuthor, audio Talk Show Host

Wow did this strike a cord with many? So many people shared how they feel they have been standing in their own way by letting their past effect the present. Now let's look at mistakes. Raise your hand if you have not made a mistake. I don't even have to be present to see if you raised your hand, because I already know the answer. We all recognize that we all make mistakes. The fact is that most of us are more forgiving of others mistakes than we are of our own. Ouch!

In the pursuit of our greatness, it is imperative that we allow ourselves the opportunity to make mistakes. Did you catch that I called it an opportunity. The reason is that unless we are willing to accept that we might make a mistake or two (two thousand) we will be unwilling to push ourselves towards new boundaries.

One step at a time....

Respond with a letter to yourself acknowledging a mistake that you have made and then forgive yourself as well as be thankful to be in a such a place that you can stand tall and know that a lesson has been learned and a price has been paid in advance for your future success!


"It was only when I realized that there was more to me than my past, my mistakes,and my faults that there was room made for my higher self."

John St.AugustineAuthor, audio Talk Show Host

Many have shared some incredible experiences in doing this exercise . If you are not doing the exercise , I encourage you to take action and do it. C'mon play full out and get the most of your Next Level Experience.

FAULTS...we all have them. Do you think that anyone (other than yourself) expects you to be perfect and without fault? Unlikely. Faults sometimes go undetected. Did you know that the geologists are always uncovering different faults because they have gone undetected? Same way with us. But be sure to know that if you look for faults you will find them. I don't think we should spend time looking for faults, ours or anyone else's. But when they are realized, we should seek to understand the magnitude of them and the seek to fortify the structures (our lives) that exist around them

It is important to understand that we have faults and teat they are a marvelous part of who we are. Did you hear the word Marvelous in the same sentence as faults. Yes, I believe that they represent that we are a human beings and not simply a programmable robot. I also believe that some faults are there to keep us in check and that some even serve to remind us to keep growing. I have just listed three things that faults do for us. Faults do not cripple us if we acknowledge them, understand them and then seek out others who can help us to overcome and or compensate for them.
Bill Gates (while being very smart) has said that he does not have to be the most brilliant person on the planet, because he is willing to surround himself with brilliant people. So who are you allowing to be around you and help you make up for some of your faults.

One step at a time....

Determine a fault that you have. o ahead write it down.

Think of someone that you know or have heard of that does not appear to have the same fault

Either get information on their background if you don't know them, or if you have access to them, invite them for coffee or a meal and ask how they got to the place where the fault is not showing.


"It was only when I realized that there was more to me than my past, my mistakes,and my faults that there was room made for my higher self."

John St.AugustineAuthor, audio Talk Show Host

Yesterday we had a powerful meeting. (See attached link for full presentation) Incredible discussion both from in studio and online audiences.

Let's discuss making room. Recently my garage became so over packed that it was becoming more and more difficult for the car to be pulled in. The logical solution...make room for the car. But how.? How do we decided what stays and what has to go? What is in it's right place and what needs to be stored above, on a shelf or in a close, etc.?

Our lives can be that way as well. Sometimes what we have allowed to clutter up our minds, thoughts, and beliefs about ourselves, others and life in general needs to be sorted through, and a decision must be made as to whether it is in the right place in our lives, or if it even has a place in our lives and should be thrown away!

We all have "junk" in our lives that will stop us from being the people we were designed to be if we don't take time to make room for the life we are desiring. Like I always say "I have found that mos people are trying to live a 24 ounce life in a 12 ounce glass."

One step at a time....

write down /reply with what junk is getting in the way of you living the life you want to live and were designed to live.
Prioritize each item with the following:
1- need to keep as a memory or for learning sake, but not so much to revisit
2- make room for better things by getting rid of these items

Now acknowledge and write the following statement and carry it with you until Monday reviewing it as often as possible...

I am no longer bound by my past. I am released to live my life by design rather than by infliction. The life I now lead is one that is being created today and is not confined by my past, my successes or my mistakes. Not by the good events or the bad events. I commit to living today for all of it's worth for the betterment of myself and those that I love!


"It was only when I realized that there was more to me than my past, my mistakes,and my faults that there was room made for my higher self."

John St.AugustineAuthor, audio Talk Show Host

HIGHER SELF! Hmmm. What is your higher self? I believe that our higher self is the person that we were designed to be rather then the person that has been created by infliction.

In the making room exercise many have said how freeing it was and have shared how the letting go has already begun to allow room for better things in their lives. So, now that room has been made, how do we attain our higher self? I believe that since it was by design that we have an incredible life, we must start to "act as if". This is the first step towards making this a reality. We need to stat to believe in ourselves by positioning ourselves for opportunities of stretching . We need to realize that the life we are desiring is available, even if we can't see it.

One Step At A Time

pick something from the room you are in. Maybe your computer, your pen, your desk, etc. Now walk out of the room and into another.

Ask yourself..."does that object (desk, pen, computer) still exist even though I can no longer see it?" The answer is of course it does. Your life by design is the same way, it is there, you may have just moved yourself to be out of line of sight! Start moving by believing that what you are wanting is real and is there, it just may be out of sight until you round the corner. Go ahead believe...and round the corner...The first step is always the hardest!

Now acknowledge and write the following statement and carry it with you until Monday reviewing it as often as possible...

I am no longer bound by my past. I am released to live my life by design rather than by infliction. The life I now lead is one that is being created today and is not confined by my past, my successes or my mistakes. Not by the good events or the bad events. I commit to living today for all of it's worth for the betterment of myself and those that I love!

Author's Bio: 

Bob Donnell, Next Level 4 Success

“Most people are trying to live a 24-ounce life in a 12-ounce glass.” -Bob Donnell

Bob founded and operates Next Level 4 Success, a training facility in Temecula geared toward helping people better their professional and personal lives. He was the host of a weekly 30-minute radio show, Motivation To Live By and now broadcasts weekly to members and guests worldwide weekly, with online video and chat conferencing. He is the founder of the Next Level Center in Temecula and uses it to broadcast live events as well as to hold seminars, meetings and workshops while also giving a platform for speakers, authors an strategic partners to reach an audience of people looking to expand both their personal and business development!

Bob has spent nearly 20 years studying successful people from all walks of life and various industries. His passion for learning and for helping others to learn has given him a unique advantage and position to help others take action whereby changing the results that they are getting. Bob’s programs are designed to encourage, motivate and challenge people to implement the knowledge which they receive in order to get greater results. From real estate to construction, entertainment to athletics, Bob has helped individuals and companies achieve more and get the results they desire.

His ability to communicate with energy, passion and conviction is whatkeeps companies and individuals inviting him to share.

PersonalBob knows loss and is able to relate them to his motivational speaking engagements. Bob lost his mother while he was in High School and, since he never knew his father, was on his own at an early age. He lost his three year old daughter in a car accident and was there to provide CPR until the paramedics arrived. Three of her organs went to people who are alive today because of her tremendous sacrifice. Bob lives with his children and fiancée, Wendy in the Temecula Valley.

Studying Successful People
Bob has worked with the entertainment industry and has had the privilege of
being exposed to such artists as: Garth Brooks, The Backstreet Boys, Reba
McIntyre, Will Smith and working with the Academy Awards, WB Music
Awards, Victor Awards and The Grammy's just to name a few. It was during these studies & encounters that he was able to investigate and develop a game plan for success both in business and in life.

In the 80’s, after high school, Bob founded a non-profit program working with challenging adolescence. The program’s board of directors was comprised of psychologists, psychiatrists, police officers and parents. At that time, Bob was called into public schools to work with kids who were facing tough situations academically and at home.

Bob founded a promotional venture and provided services for major events and private parties. He worked with companies such as Budweiser, Golden State Foods, Oakley, Long Beach Grand Prix, The Pond of Anaheim, Miller Genuine, California Speedway and many others.