Young people often find that they experience many “firsts” during their high school years. Among them are the first car, the first prom and the first job. High school students see all of these things as a way to access more freedom. The car gives then an opportunity to go where they need to go, they often want the first job so that they also have some extra money. And the first prom and first serious relationships help them to mature. What they do not realize is that their behavior during this time could set the tone for the rest of their lives.

While everything is to be taken seriously, it is extremely important to take the first job seriously, as it is the first experience with work ethic. When one is considering tips to remember, one of the most important is to be prompt. Being on time for any appointment always serves to make a good impression. Be respectful of everyone you come in contact with. Even the lowest person on the totem pole could be important to your success. Not only can they offer valuable information, they may also prove to be an important contact in the future. You can never be sure where the next wonderful opportunity will come from.

Whatever job you are doing, choose to do it well. From start to finish, be sure that the job has been completed, that you have taken care of all of the details. If you are raking leaves, it is not enough to get them all in a pile. You will need to bag them, set them out for the trash collector, and put your tools away. Paying attention to the details is important. You would be amazed at how many people would be content to rake the leaves in the pile. But the job is not done and that person is not going to be a prized employee, because they did not follow through.

What ever you are doing, you should give one hundred percent. Get used to giving a little extra if the job requires it. You will be well paid for the effort, because you will get a reputation for being a hard worker. Young people who get the reputation of being respectful, prompt and hard working will be rewarded with recommendations that can help them in many areas. Those recommendations can help with better employment or even scholarships for higher education. A good work ethic will follow you for the rest of your life.

Having a good work ethic will encourage others to help you in ways you cannot imagine. People will go the extra mile to help you be successful. They will teach you what you need to learn. They will spread your good name and find other opportunities for you. They will be there for you if you need help and they will go to bat for you if it becomes necessary. Respect is often hard won, but once you have it, it is invaluable.

Author's Bio: 

David Couper is a career coach and writer who for the last twenty years has worked in Europe, Asia, and in the USA with major organizations including the BBC, Fuji Television, Mattel, Sony, and Warner Bros.

He has successfully coached individuals at all levels including CEOs of major companies wanting a new challenge, frustrated souls wanting to make their dream come true, and front-line employees laid off and desperate to get a job.

David has published seven books. His works on interpersonal skills, counseling in the workplace, and management issues (published by Connaught, Gower, HRD Press, Longman, Macmillan/Pearson Publishing, Oxford University Press) have been translated into Swedish, Polish, and Danish, and published in the UK and the USA.

David has a degree in Communication, a postgraduate qualification in education, is certified in a number of training technologies, and has a Masters in Psychology. He is a member of the American Society of Training and Development, Society of Human Resources Professional, Writers Guild and the British Academy of Film and Television.

He has dual US/UK citizenship and speaks French and Japanese.

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