Online safety protect your child from the violence, explicit language, pornography, sex, nudity, gambling, predators, viruses, spyware, and adware and WHEW! Anything else that might be out there!

These are some of the threats that your kids can encounter while on line. And since you can't monitor them all the time, you need to find ways to teach your child how to protect themselves from these threats. Here are some of those ways:

1. Teach them to keep themselves safe and secure. Talk to them about personal security while using the internet. Tell them to refuse giving any personal information to people they meet online. Talk to them about avoiding filling out membership and survey forms that would entail them to state their personal information.

2. Set up house rules to limit your kids' internet access. Talk to your kids about what these rules are and have them agree to stick to them.

3. Discourage them from making personal profiles using online networking websites that can be viewed by anyone. Sites like MySpace create venues for online predators to access different personal information for their predatory purposes. If your kids already have profiles posted on the web, make sure that you know what pictures and personal information they post.

4. If your kids are young enough to use the regular web browser, download web-browsers that are made for kids. They filter bad websites and limit your kids' access to pre-approved webpages.

5. Tell your child to avoid peer-to-peer (abbreviated P2P) file-sharing softwares. This is because viruses, spyware, and adware can freely enter your computer through these softwares.

6. Use internet filtering software to block bad websites from your computer. Anyone, including you or your child, can stumble upon adult websties.

7. Attend to your kids immediately if they report any uncomfortable online exchanges they have encountered.

8. If they enter chat rooms, tell them to stay in the public room so that the chat room administrator can monitor your conversation. Tell them to ignore private messages.

9. Tell them not to agree to meet personally with strangers they only meet online.

Finally them to approach you whenever they have any doubts on the emails and messages they receive, window popups that appears, and forms they were asked to fill-out. It will keep your child the safest they can be on the web.

Author's Bio: 

Joyce Jackson is a #1 International bestselling author and child safety expert. Her internet safety tips and a Free Internet Safety Toolkit can be found at eChild Safety