Many people never develop their negotiating skills because they feel uncomfortable negotiating. The key objective of successful negotiation is to create a win-win outcome i.e. the result is one in which both parties benefit.
1. Be prepared. Know exactly the outcome you are aiming for and learn as much about the person with whom you are negotiating and the outcome that they are after so that you can anticipate reactions, objections and responses. Being prepared also means that you can behave in a fair and professional manner without taking things personally or getting angry.
2. Encourage the other side to talk, listen to their presentation, understand their position and identify the real issues. You can do this easily by asking open ended questions and then just shut up and listen. Silence can be a very effective negotiating tool.
3. Look for ways that you can reach agreement. Try and find areas that make it easier for the other person to say “yes”. If you can agree to small things first then you can create a positive atmosphere. Find some mutual ground for agreement upfront even if it’s just that you both agree that you have a problem which needs to be resolved. Once you have made an offer stop talking and wait for a response. Later, as you develop alternative solutions, consider the other party’s interests. If you do have to give something away, make sure that you get something in return.
4. Evaluate your own position. Think about whether you really have to reach an agreement or can you walk away? Is time putting pressure on you to reach an agreement? If you can’t reach a negotiated agreement, what is your best alternative? The answer to these sorts of questions will determine how flexible you can be. It is important to never appear desperate to make a deal – always let the other side know that you are prepared to walk away and the chances are that they will make concessions.
5. Choose your words carefully e.g. use “and” instead of “but” wherever possible and avoid anything that sounds negative. Ask what the other person thinks is fair or reasonable in order to break a stalemate and use sentences with the word “because” in order to encourage the listener to be logical.
6. Negotiate an agreement that is consistent with your long term goals and never accept anything that could have a negative impact on your values or personal brand. In other words, know what you want and don’t be afraid to ask for it.
7. When you believe that you have reached an agreement, summarize your understanding of what has been agreed and have it confirmed in writing. Be sure to always end on a positive note.

“Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.”Vince Lombardi

Author's Bio: 

Anne Galloway is a careers coach and small business consultant who believes that work can and should be creative, meaningful and enjoyable. Her specialties include assisting clients find the 'right' career for them and showing them how to sell themselves confidently on a CV and at interviews, and taking an independent view of business systems and procedures and developing strategies to increase sales and revenue. Anne is regularly sought out as valuable sounding board due to her ability to highlight risk in order to take control and reduce it. Her first book, 'Your Future - A practical guide to action' was published in 2011.