White rice is a versatile and delicious staple that can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries to sushi rolls. While it is often thought of as a plain and boring side dish, white rice can be transformed into a flavorful and exciting component of any meal.

White Rice as a Base  

One of the many ways to use white rice is as a great base for many dishes, including stir-fries, stews, and curries. Check out a few easy and delicious examples:

  • Stir-fry: Use cooked white rice as the base for a vegetable stir-fry. Add some soy sauce, sesame oil, and your favorite veggies for a quick and easy meal.

  • Stew: Add cooked white rice to a hearty vegetable or meat stew for a comforting and filling meal.

  • Curry: Use white rice as a base for your favorite curry dish. The mild flavor of the rice complements the bold spices of the curry.

White Rice in Salads  

Another interesting way to give this kind of rice an exciting use is in salads to add texture and bulk. The most common examples include:

  • Grain Salad: Mix cooked white rice with other grains, like quinoa or bulgur, for a delicious and nutritious grain salad.

  • Sushi Salad: Mix cooked white rice with cucumber, avocado, and crab meat for a deconstructed sushi salad.

  • Greek Salad: Add cooked white rice to a classic Greek salad for a filling and flavorful twist.

White Rice in Wraps and Rolls  

Including any type of rice in wraps and rolls to add texture and substance is an excellent idea you should definitely try. If you need some ideas, you may want to have a look to the ones below:

  • Sushi Rolls: Use white rice as the base for homemade sushi rolls. Add your favorite veggies or seafood for a customized roll.

  • Lettuce Wraps: Fill lettuce wraps with cooked white rice, ground meat, and your favorite veggies for a low-carb and flavorful meal.

  • Rice Paper Rolls: Use cooked white rice in rice paper rolls with shrimp, veggies, and a flavorful dipping sauce.

White Rice in Desserts  

Adding a unique texture and flavor to sweet dishes is another of the many uses of this humble rice variety. Here are some ideas for using it in desserts:

  • Rice pudding: A classic dessert that is made with rice, milk, sugar, and cinnamon.

  • Mango Sticky Rice: Use white rice as the base for a sweet and tangy mango sticky rice dessert.

  • Mochi: A Japanese dessert that is made with sweetened rice dough and filled with ice cream or fruit.

  • Rice flour cake: A gluten-free cake that is made with rice flour and can be flavored with ingredients like coconut or matcha.

White Rice in Breakfast Dishes  

Although rice is commonly used for lunch meals, you can also include it in your breakfast dishes. It is sure to  add a hearty and filling element to this very important meal. If you have some extra rice in your pantry you might want to use it for:

  • Rice porridge: A comforting breakfast dish that is made with rice, milk, and cinnamon, and is often topped with fruit and nuts.

  • Breakfast bowl: A bowl that includes ingredients like white rice, eggs, avocado, and bacon for a savory and filling breakfast.

  • Rice pancakes: A gluten-free alternative to traditional pancakes that is made with rice flour and can be topped with fruit and syrup.

  • Huevos rancheros: A Mexican breakfast dish that is made with white rice, eggs, salsa, and beans.

Whether you’re just a beginner cook or a professional one, there are some tips and tricks you need to know on how to make the perfect white rice, just click on the link below!


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