Going to a different country for higher studies can extremely be an exciting idea but it has so many challenges too. If you are wondering that the challenges must be related to your education, then you are wrong! These challenges are related to settling down in a new cultural and social environment. Right from mingling with different people you hardly know and adjusting to completely a new life to doing everything on your own and managing studies, you will have to take a huge leap in terms of transition to become familiar to new surroundings.

Everyone including your Chandigarh immigration consultants will tell you the ‘dos’ of studying abroad but might forget to pinpoint the following don’ts of the same:

1. Take SOP writing seriously and consider it as an extension of your ‘resume’

It is said that sooner is better and haste is waste. It means it is good to start framing your one of the most essential documents – Statement of Purpose or SOP well in advance. Just keep in mind that your SOP is not just essay writing but your voice to the concerned authorities of your ‘dream’ college or university. When it is your ‘voice’ it should be framed well, right! For this, you will need to research thoroughly to know the different aspects of writing an impressive SOP. A good SOP typically includes your personal details, previous education, work experience, if any, reasons for choosing that particular country, course, and university/college over others, and your future goals. If you want, then you can get guidance from your study abroad and immigration consultants in Chandigarh for the same but do not take it for granted as your chances of application acceptance highly depend on it!

2. Never count on ‘unknown’ people so easily

If you are living away from your loved ones for the very first time, then it is challenging itself in a myriad of ways. As you are not familiar with the place and the people, it is good to be extra careful while meeting them and making new friends. Whether you are buying grocery items from a store or taking special tips from your gym mate, it is suggested to maintain the right distance until you are sure about them. Additionally, do not share any of your personal details with them.

3. Do not ‘mess up’ with your educational commitments

You must understand that studying aboard is quite expensive and a life-changing opportunity. Not everyone is blessed or lucky enough to get this chance. So, if you have this chance, do not waste it and take studies seriously. Enjoy your time but never mess up with your educational commitments. There are overseas universities that can give you fail credit if you do not perform well. So, attend all the classes and prepare well for the exams to get good grades.

4. Never miss opportunities just because you are afraid or homesick

It is good to be attentive but missing opportunities without doing any research from your end is not a good bet. Sometimes, students miss out on golden opportunities just because of homesickness. Just remember! You and your family have invested a lot of time, effort, and money for this dream, so do not sit like an idol, do everything possible to deal with this issue. You can also connect with the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh to know the right ways of coping up with such issues. Just stick your neck, grab the opportunities knocking your doors, and make the most out of them to ensure a brighter future.

5. Do not adopt bad habits

For some students, going abroad for studies means full freedom. They make new rules for them to live freely. Late night parties and gatherings become an essential part of their lives. When you are attending such events, the possibilities are quite high that you may be offered or consume alcoholic beverages. Some students do not like to drink but started consuming it just because they want to fit in the new culture and look ‘cool’. But you must understand that it is not a healthy as well as safe practice. This type of thinking can put your life and safety at great risk. Be reasonable and responsible and never compromise when it comes to values and ethics just to fit in the new surroundings.

Closing Remarks
In addition to these points, keep all your original documents safe as misplacing them can invite a lot of problems. Be attentive, smart, and reasonable while going thousands of miles away from your loved ones to pursue your dream. And connect with the top immigration consultants to know other ins and outs of the same.

Author's Bio: 

Ms. Geeta Pundir is a Sr. admission officer at Academic & Professional Studies Abroad (APSA). At APSA, she plays a vital role in the team of certified Study Abroad Consultants in Chandigarh . She has been actively involved in accomplishing dreams of students seeking admission in the best overseas educational institutions.