Creating the perfect life seems outside the reach of most people today. We are struggling with difficult relationships, a struggling economy, world-wide disasters, and much more. So why do some people seem to have it so easy? The answer might surprise you! What if I told you that we can each create the perfect life? It's true. You are creating your life right now! Your beliefs, thoughts, and intentions create every experience in your life. This is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction . I'm going to share with you five secrets to create your perfect life. But first I need to explain the basic principal at work here. The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law that governs our lives. Basically, what we send out, we draw to us. This works with our intentions, beliefs, and even our thoughts! If we think and believe that we are unhealthy, never have good relationships, never have enough money, etc- then that is exactly what we create.

Many people are already familiar with the Law of Attraction , but what most people don't know is that the experiences and emotions we have stored in our chakras are sending out information to the Universe, even though we aren't consciously aware of it. Our chakras are like movie projectors that play the film of stored events in our chakras. When this information is trapped in our chakras, we are continually creating our life based on what we have stored. For instance, if we are storing issues with our alcoholic and abusive father, we could easily find ourselves attracting the same type of person throughout our lives. We might find we married people with the same troubling traits as our mother, without even realizing it. Most 'releasing' techniques don't work because they don't clear the chakras, only the emotions. The chakras have to be cleared of our traumas or we will keep creating these issues. This brings us to:

Secret #1: Clearing. Work with a qualified practitioner to clear all the stored events and blockages from your chakras! This will allow you to create your perfect life from a clean slate, without inadvertently projecting all your stored traumas and failures, sabotaging your efforts!

Secret #2: Belief. Believe you can have the perfect life! Without our belief in ourselves and our ability to transform our lives, we can get nowhere. Belief will open doors and allow us to manifest our desires. The more you believe in your ability, the more you will affect change in your life. Any resistance or hesitation will narrow our channel of manifestation and should be cleared with a qualified energetic practitioner to allow your belief to function correctly and without impairment!

Secret #3: Willingness. Your willingness to see your faults and flaws, acknowledge them, and work on improving them is vital if you are going to be empowered to release them from your life. Avoidance never solves problems. The more we avoid the truth about ourselves and the work we need to do, the more we are going to be mired in the problems we are creating. Being willing to acknowledge our faults, step out of old energy, and embrace a new life is vital to being able to change it!

Secret #4: Intention. Do everything with intention. The more you consciously make decisions designed to improve your life, the more you intend for things to get better, the quicker you will see results!

Secret #5: Focus. Change your focus! What we focus on increases. The more you focus on the negative aspects of your life, the more you will continue to see them happen. Focus instead on the changes you are making, the positive effects you are seeing, and the fact that you have seen change, so you can continue to see improvement. The more positive your focus becomes, the more empowered you will be to continue creating your perfect life!

Working with a qualified clairvoyant energetic practitioner can make the process even easier. A clairvoyant practitioner can tell you all the energy from past hurts, traumas, and events, and help you to release them. This eliminates the heavy congestion in your aura , chakras, and body, that keep you from creating the life you desire. Once this energy is cleared people feel light, serene, and relieved. They are then enabled to manifest things more easily, often creating whole new lives for themselves. A qualified practitioner can work with you to cut psychic cords, clear karma, address past life issues affecting this life.

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Author's Bio: 

Erin Heaven is a Clairvoyant Healer assisting people around the world to reclaim their lives and live it more fully. Having pronounced psychic abilities from the age of 12, she has over 24 years experience using her psychic abilities to help others.

Using clairvoyant abilities to see the blocks in your chakras and energy field right over the phone, Erin Heaven helps you to release them and free yourself from the burdens that are blocking your life. She is so confident in her ability to help you, as she's done with hundreds of people from around the world, that she offers a Money Back Guarantee!

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