There are varying sales tactics you can employ online that are non-aggressive yet will still help you to increase profits! Internet marketers are always looking for a competitive edge and there are some subtle yet very effective strategies that can help to achieve this sought after advantage!

Let's quickly review 5 such strategies that if implemented properly can give you the competitive edge you seek when trying to increase profits online!


Having a genuine passion for what you do can give you a competitive edge in several ways! Not only does having a personal interest in your work help keep you motivated, and with less effort, but it also is typically reflected in the quality of the results you produce!

Eyeball Your Competitors

Keeping an eye on the activity within your market concerning your competitors helps to keep you up to speed on what works and what doesn't. Most internet marketers are kept very busy with running their own businesses so letting others do some of the 'footwork' for you as you check out the results is an efficient use of your time! In this way you can still gain a competitive edge without investing as much effort!

Always be Positive

Maintaining a positive mental attitude helps to keep you going in addition to reflecting a strong image that attracts others! Make no mistake people can pick up on both positive and negative vibes and since one attracts (positive) while the other repels, it seems clear which you should maintain!

Know Your Mission Statement

It is always best to be crystal clear on the goals and objectives of your business but it is equally important to know EXACTLY how to express them! Be able to both clearly and concisely put into words what it is you do and why. This is great for forming new partnerships and also explaining your 'reasons' to potential customers as well. This lends a tremendous amount of legitimacy to what you do while also portraying you as being more genuine to others concerning 'why' you do what you do!


As previously mentioned it is always a good idea to forge 'partnership' with other like-minded internet marketers when the opportunity presents itself! Not only does combining resources help give you a competitive edge but expanding your exposure in this way can also help you quickly increase profits as well! Don't be lulled into thinking that as an entrepreneur you have to work alone!

There are some very effective sales tactics internet marketers can use to gain a competitive edge that are both subtle and tactful as well! Anybody working online will tell you the competition can be very intense and taking aggressive measures to increase profits may also result in losing customers! The 5 suggested strategies reviewed above emphasize subtlety thus allowing internet marketers to increase profits without irritating any potential customers!

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
For more tips about sales tactics that can easily boost your profits and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit: