Every small business struggles with the question of how to effectively market their services and find more clients. Where there are a lot of helpful tips out there, the fact of the matter is there is no magical formula. There’s no “one way” for a business to succeed. If there was, every company would enjoy unmitigated success immediately. However, there are plenty of methods and practices to try with multiple combinations to try. Here are four ways you can promote your company and get new clients.

Use Your Blog

If your company does not have a blog, preferably hosted on your company’s website, you need to start one immediately because a blog helps to promote your company. A blog helps to establish your presence online as well as setting you apart as a knowledgeable professional. A good blog is a platform for generating content customers will want to read.

New content constantly provides new avenues for customers to find you and works to drive traffic to your website . It gives them a reason to visit your site regularly, and more time on your site means that they are more likely to engage with your service or your product.

Hire a Marketing Service

An outside marketing firm can be a great investment for companies looking to grow their business. It can be much cheaper than hiring an in-house marketing manager or department and take the burden of marketing off the shoulders of your own employees. If you are in a specialized business that has regulations on marketing, like law offices, a law firm marketing service, like The Rainmaker Institute , can help you navigate the system to advertise ethically and effectively.


Advertising is still part of an effective strategy to get your name out there. There are two main categories of advertising. These are more traditional forms, such as print, TV and radio, and new, digital advertising. Depending on your business and your target audience, either or both might be the better option for your company. Generally speaking, digital advertising is the better option in today’s digital age, especially for small businesses. It is cheaper and much easier to target to your audience.

Contribute to Online Communities

This is a cheap and highly effective way to promote your business. What communities you choose to join will entirely depend on the kind of business you are running. Consider communities popular by your target audience, such as sites like Reddit. You can reach customers that way and interact with them on a personal level. It also provides you an opportunity to give back to these communities with helpful advice, tutorials and more.

Promoting your company takes a lot of work and persistence. You must be willing to experiment and find combinations and methods that work for your products or services. Focus on finding your target audience and reaching out to them, as well as providing excellent customer service so you will get word-of-mouth referrals. You will have a much easier time obtaining new clients.

Author's Bio: 

Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. She writes most often on health and education. When not writing, she enjoys reading and watching film noir. Say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2