The probability of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in middle-aged and older men is high. Moreover, BPH is closely related to bad living habits and age growth. If some particular body manifestations are in line with the characteristics of BPH, men should pay attention to and take countermeasures in time. Otherwise, if they wait until severe and do not take any countermeasures, there may be inflammation and even the risk of cancer.

So, what adverse symptoms do the middle-aged and elderly have?

1. Nocturnal polyuria

The probability of BPH is high. In the process of development, patients will have the performance of frequent and urgent urination. Early benign prostatic hyperplasia will increase men's nocturia. The amount of urination each time is little, but it is more frequent.

Bladder detrusor decompensation leads to chronic urinary retention. The adequate capacity of the bladder begins to decrease, the ability to store urine decreases, and the micturition interval is shortened. If there is a local infection, frequent urine and urgency will become more and more apparent, and sometimes there will be pain during micturition. For frequent urination and urgent urination caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia, timely treatment is the key.

2. Dysuria

Men who often have dysuria need to be vigilant against BPH. In the continuous development of BPH, the gland volume gradually increases, there will be apparent mechanical obstruction, and there will be many difficulties in urination. The degree of lower urinary tract obstruction is not directly proportional to the size of the gland.

However, in increasing urethral resistance, micturition will begin to become slow, the micturition time will be prolonged, the range is not far, the urinary line will become thin and weak. And many people will have endless urine and bifurcation. When the obstruction is severe, it is easy to interrupt the urinary flow and cause drip after urination.

3. Endless urination

BPH may also be accompanied by infection. Many patients have endless micturition due to the influence of the disease. If they keep healthy, they can drain their urine in one breath, and there will be no infinite micturition.

Those men with BPH have decompensated bladder detrusor, so there will be residual urine. And people can not discharge the urine cleanly. The residual urine volume is enormous, the bladder expands excessively, and the urine will overflow when the pressure is very high, resulting in urinary incontinence.

4. Hematuria

If you have apparent hematuria, be alert to BPH. Many men can not receive treatment for a long time. Under the condition of capillary congestion and small vessel expansion on the prostate mucosa, they may be pulled and rubbed by enlarged glands. There will be hematuria visible to the naked eye, which is the main reason for hematuria in middle-aged and older adults.

If the color of urine changes during micturition, it is likely to be caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia. When many people have acute urinary retention and catheterization, the bladder suddenly depressurizes, and there will also be serious hematuria.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common disease in older adults, which needs active treatment. If the symptoms are not severe, men can observe and wait first. The current treatment pays more attention to the improvement of subjective symptoms and objective evaluation indicators.

If the symptoms have affected your life, you can choose drug treatment, such as 5 α- Reductase inhibitor. Patients can also choose herbal medicine therapy, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill , to eliminate symptoms. And it will not affect the body. Patients with severe symptoms and poor drug treatment effects can choose surgical treatment, such as prostatectomy and laser surgery. Older patients can choose stents.

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