—Be Responsible By Telling Your Kids These Important Things

Normally parents do not talk to their kids anything regarding sex. For them, either it is ‘taboo’ or they think that their child is not yet grown up enough to talk about it. This fact is observed almost in every country and the rate of becoming an early mother Teen pregnancy is very high.

In this aspect, lack of sex education played a major role for such a case.

But how would you talk to kids about sex? Is it really that difficult? No, it is not! You only need to know the right way to make the conversation.

Among the biggest reasons of parents feeling discomfort while talking to their kids regarding sex is an avoidance of sex related issues during family conversations.

Parents never talk to their children on such issues.

Therefore, when they need to start it, they start looking at the corners. Nevertheless, your parents have never made a conversation with you on this issue but you can educate your kids right now to change this negative habit.

You may abide with following rules to reduce the level of awkwardness from this tête-à-tête.

1. You should assess the level of your own comfort prior to the beginning of the conversation. Uneasiness frequently delivers a negative message, which can be confusing for children.

2. You should first talk to your trusted friend and get an advice from a medical professional or if you wish, you may contact the spiritual healer too.

3. In accordance with studies, kids of open minded parents feel a better zone of comfort while talking and they carefully listen to the words when they are said.

4. You are not able to reduce the discomfort. You can get the help of books . There are many books available, which will help you in getting to know how to make the talk about sex an easy job. If you do not want to look at books , you may get the help of the extensive world of the Internet.

Checkout related sites and make your kids aware in the most sensuous manner. You can get help from current events as well. These will be the most effective manners to make them understand.

5. A conversation related to sex is not the most important thing for you and your kids, as you will be making more sensible delivery to them on different aspects of life. Hence, avoid building an awkward position while talking about it.

6. Opt for a friendly conversation place. It can be a quiet booth in an uncrowded restaurant or inside your car.

7. While watching television, it so happens that a similar issue comes, try to teach your kids at that exact time. There is no other best time than this.

8. You can ask help from the media, as in the present scenario, the media is showing many issues on realistic topics. You may draw attention on these situations to show examples to your kids and begin the conversation.

9. The best time to introduce the topic of sex is when your child wants to know what their “peepee” is. If you talk to your children in a developmentally correct way, you will not feel inconvenient. For making it simpler, you can buy a book on sexuality for kids to guide you for explaining tougher topics.

10. Prepare your kids for puberty-caused body changes and related issues. The moment a child grows, they simultaneously experience physical changes to get into puberty. They generally have lots of questions on their minds about these sudden changes. You may guide them here:

• You can talk about the changes in their bodies and what are the meanings of these changes.
• Make comments on topics such as emotional and gaze pressure.
• Nonetheless, some topics make you uncomfortable, but try to be truthful on such issues. Children are more likely to know about petting and oral sex, diseases and many others in the long run. This is the time when you can make them aware of the moral and principled implications of being sexually active and tell them about some ways of prevention from getting pregnant.
• You can talk about masturbation also. This is very natural and nothing is embarrassing with it. Just do not talk about this subject as if you were hesitating.
• Sexual fantasies in kids are very natural, do not make any attempt which will confuse them and may later make them feel ashamed.

11. While talking to teenaged kids about sexual issues, you must take note that you are not using any pet name to substitute for the real names of sexual organs. This may lead to further misinterpretation.

12. What to do when your teenage kid is sexually active? In such situations, you may start an immediate conversation.

Even if it is not that avoidable, you can ensure a few important things as you can help them in understanding responsibilities and taking healthy decisions.

To make them understand, assure them that you will always listen to them and also offer required advices. Try to help them in getting measures of birth-control and required protection.

Do not make sexuality as a problem. It is not a problem to begin with. It’s a grace of God that should be used properly. You must share your own values to kids but it should not be in a preaching manner.

A lectured discussion will set them of and they will avoid listening to you. If they are struck with a situation in which they were not ready to engage in sex but still had sex, you can make them realize that it has already gone. You can tell them about second virginity and assist them in taking an intelligent step next time.

13. While talking to kids regarding sexual issues, you must make an honest comment. You should pass the message to your kids. Passing the pressure to somebody else for telling your kids on the topic of sex is not acceptable and it is just the same in situations, when they are getting pressured by someone else.

14. The moment you talk about measures of birth control, you should make the child know as to where they can get or buy these items.

15. It is not just the body that ties two partners. There is a big emotional quotient too. Teach your kids to respect this emotional quotient. It is a very important part of his or her personality development. You must make them aware of their sexual orientation and what can be the pros and cons of a life-changing decision.

Sex education is a continuing process of communication, which you can deliver to your kids. It is important to incorporate certain know-how of this universal fact in their minds to make them more receptive and responsible in their life. This in turn can let them enoy a healthy life-style as well.

Author's Bio: 

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for TheParentsZone.com. The Parents blog publishes new information on parenting skills like Single Parenting, Working Moms, Working Dads, Stay at home Parents, Parental Relationships, Family Issues, Potty Training and many more Visit Parenting Blog