Every year on January 1st we make resolutions to create direction to manifest our dreams. Why not with love? This year you can choose to be the captain or your own dreamboat. Embrace these 10 dating resolutions and your love life will sizzle. The best thing about it is these are all under your control!
1. BE OPEN- Often we decide something is not right for us before we even give it a try! For example, many of my clients say, ‘Online dating is for losers.’ They have never tried it nor do they know the variety of sites or people out there in cyberspace. If you do this sort of nay-saying, take a step back and try something new. You never know what will come of it…
2. LOVE YOURSELF- Often singles wait around for the perfect partner to come save them. Meanwhile they won’t travel, buy a house or take a vacation. If you are happy, you are much more attractive. Start loving yourself the way you want to be loved. Write down some things you’d love to do this year and make them happen for yourself. You’ll be a radiant and more interesting date.
3. LEARN TO DEAL WITH NO- No is just a word like yes. Often when we are rejected we reject ourselves. We tell ourselves that no one will want to date us and give up. Being rejected is a normal part of dating , so when this happens, learn to say something positive to your self. Say something like, ‘I am wonderful and the right guy will stick around,’ than move on and keep dating.
4. BE CLEAR & REASONABLE ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT- It helps to be clear when you are looking for the right mate. Take some time and make a list of the qualities that are most important to you. Also know what you won’t accept. Make sure your list is reasonable because no one is perfect. With your eye on the target you are sure to hone in on more appropriate matches.
5. TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION- In order to manifest goals, we need to take action. Pick two things a week that you will do to meet new people and hold yourself accountable for going out. To get the best results, you need to be willing to put in the effort.
6. ENLIST HELP- Everyone does better with a cheerleader or team. If dating is hard for you, enlist some support. Gather your single friends to go out with you to events. Ask the people who love you to fix you up. If you want confidential support, consider hiring a professional dating coach like myself, to keep you in action and on track this year.
7. LOOK BEYOND ‘YOUR TYPE’- Often we pick the same partners again and again, even if the package looks different. It’s now time to try something new. Sometimes it’s the man an inch shorter than your height restriction that sweeps you off your feet and proposes, making you happier than you ever dreamed possible. Get out of your own way and give someone new a chance. You may be very glad you did.
8. LEARN WHAT ‘STOPS YOU” IN DATING & MOVE PAST IT- Examine your past dating patterns, limiting beliefs, actions or defensive styles. To learn more about this, get my book ‘ Dating From The Inside-Out’ and read the first section and do the accompanying exercises.
9. STAY POSITIVE- Just because you haven’t met the partner of your dreams yet, doesn’t mean you should give up on love. Commit to having a terrific year and meeting all kinds of new prospects. Begin your dating year with a powerful context like, ‘This year will be the best romantic year yet!’
10. LEARN FROM EVERYONE YOU MEET- Just because each date won’t turn out to be your husband, does not mean that it was a waste of time. Choose to appreciate something and learn something from every date. It will leave your dates feeling great and you will find dating to be a much more positive and valuable experience then ever before.
Happy Dating and have a terrific year!
My Best in Love,
Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman wrote, ‘Dating From The Inside-Out: Using The Law of Attraction in Matters of the Heart,’ published by Atria Books in February 2008. It can be pre-ordered on www.amazon.com or bought in bookstores after February 19th. Dr. Sherman is the Director of ‘My Dating School, www.mydatingschool.com which offers classes in dating issues & coaching. She is a dating expert on television and radio, a Licensed Psychologist and a certified coach.