Have you seen Kung Fu Panda yet?

If not, I suggest you go out and buy or rent it.

It's really amazing.

I love the animation, but that's not even the best thing about this movie.

It's what was said.

Yes, there were a few things said in the movie that hit me right between the eyes. They were that powerful.

There was one in particular that kind of hurt.

Sort of like when someone smacks some sense into you. ;)

It was said by Master Oogway, an aged tortoise and senior leader of the Jade Palace who appears to be old and senile, but is extremely wise.

Here's the quote:

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

Now I don't know about you, but I sure spend a lot of time contemplating my decisions in life.

Okay, I admit it, that's one heck of an understatement! I try to do just about everything perfect.

Ridiculous? Yes. But it's true nonetheless.

When it comes time to making big decisions I can be a HUGE procrastinator.

I'll research things to death .

I'll think about them.

I'll ponder the upside.

I'll ponder the downside.

Then I'll think about them some more.

I just don't want to make the "wrong" decision.

That's why I found this quote so powerful.

Even though I often want to make sure that what I decide is "perfect," there really is no perfect.

I can delay the decision making all I want, but in the end my "destiny" will still "find me" through whatever choice I make.

In other words, you cannot escape your destiny no matter how hard you might try!

There is no "right" or "wrong" decision. Whatever you decide is exactly what your destiny has in store for you.

Scary? Sort of.

But I think it's also quite comforting to know that you really can't make a mistake.

Author's Bio: 

Kim Smith is a Life Coach who passionately helps people learn and master the skills and strategies they need to experience the peaceful, happy, satisfying lives they want and deserve. Find out more at www.coachkim.com.