Once you started a blog you'll quickly realize there are many things that need to be done including getting visitors to your site! The bottom line is unless you have visitors return to your site you'll never develop the type of following needed to be successful blogging! So the question is where should you focus your attention to get your readers not only to your platform but returning time and again?

Here are 3 suggestions for where to place your focus in order to attract visitors to your site in hopes of converting them into loyal followers!

Write Content

Content is the 'product' you offer and must be done first or people who land on your blog will have nothing to view and therefore won't return! The fact is the more content you post the more your readers will have to view therefore think of your blog as a library that needs to have the shelves 'stocked' with content! The more you update your site the more compelled people will be to return and see what's new! When people return you know you must be doing something right!

Attract Visitors

Although blogs are great at bringing you search engine traffic you must learn to generate traffic in other ways as well! Leaving your link at social sites or displaying it in the resource box of any articles you publish are but just 2 very effective ways of getting visitors to your site! The point here is NOT to rely solely upon search engine traffic since this strategy will slow down the growth of your blog!


In many cases visitors to your site will leave comments pertaining to your content or maybe even the layout itself! Firstly as a blogger you want your readers to become more involved and this is why you should ALWAYS allow for them to leave their thoughts! In some cases questions may be directed right at you and if the questions are 'constructive' in nature and related to your topic, respond accordingly! Interaction between the blogger and visitors or even amongst your readers helps build an atmosphere of community that serves to make everybody feel more a part of the blog! Having this feeling encourages greater participation by your readers while increasing their satisfaction at the same time!

Just because you started a blog doesn't mean visitors to your site will magically appear it simply means you now got work to do! The purpose of our discussion above is how to best focus your efforts in a way that will benefit both your readers and you by having visitors return to your platform! These 3 suggestions hopefully will minimize any confusion as to what your 3 biggest priorities are as a blogger! The bottom line is gaining the loyalty of your readers is what you need to focus on and this starts with offering up great content and making your presence be known by attracting interested readers to your site!

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
For more tips about what to do once you've started a blog and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit: http://affiliatequickstart.com/