There is so much going on. Next week we can look at the far reaching changes indicated for the time coming. For now, suffice it to say that it may be time to put the iphone down, turn off the chatter and listen inwardly for some REAL guidance in making tough choices.

Most people still believe in their limitation as this is what we were taught since ages: A man got to know his limitations!

These are the limitations we believe in as we are convinced by our habits and manners in which life goes on. We need to get aware that we set the limitations. Who runs our life? The power which is running our life is the 90% of our unconsciousness. Become conscious how you run your life
I found a nice sentence which is true:
The hatched butterfly is flightless as long as his mind still persuades him, that he's a caterpillar!

Find out where you want to make changes in your daily life. This can be any habit during the day. Just do it differently and do not let the change become a habit again. Learn to become more flexible and you stop to be angry on things because you now can look at situations in a different way.

Now it is high time to reconnect with your dreams . It is time for the flock of sheep to scatter. Find your way of doing things as the shepherds had not always the best for us in mind. Now it is time to share our unique gifts with each other!

The moon is subconscious and you have to get to know your sub consciousness. Only when you take your time to find out who and what runs your life, you will be more aware what you can change instantly.

People´s life is falling apart – this is the necessary time to wake up. This is the time for radical changes! Tap into yourself and awaken grasping the power deep in yourself! Tap into the reservoirs of power! As we are part of god we have the same power of creation. Wake up and create the life of your dreams !

We need to re-balance the yin & yang, male and female. Our feelings guide and lead us the old way. Tap into your conscious part and let the feelings give way by impregnating our mind with new impulses!

This is new for men. They are feeling their feelings more and mostly never learned how to handle their feelings. Please stop suppressing your feelings. They are real and suppressing leads to chaos and distortion. Women are used to express their feelings and might threaten men even more.

My advice to both genders:Trust your feelings, trust yourself and your gut feelings which is your inner voice. The inner voice is connected to your internal truth. This truth is an eternal truth which we all have. Make the first step to find it.

Dream your dream and make it real! Do not be a sheep as we are all unique.Share your uniqueness with the world!

The Mantra of this week:"May the waters of feeling from deep down within me, guide me through the changes before me."

Author's Bio: 

Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton and for marketing Chris Cardell and Michael Gerber.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with 2 other ladies to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business or improve their business in a rapid changing market.