Will he come back if I ignore him? You've been wondering about this, haven't you? There's so much information about the no contact rule and how well it works when it comes to regaining a man's attention. You're skeptical though. You can't imagine cutting off all contact with a man you're so crazy about. Won't he meet someone else in the meantime? Will he misinterpret what you're doing and jump to the conclusion that you don't want him anymore? These are all very legitimate questions and once you understand exactly why this approach works so well to win back a man's heart you'll be left with little doubt about whether or not it's the right move for you.

The premise behind the no contact rule is just as it sounds. For the duration of the time you choose to enforce it you're going to ignore your ex. That means you won't be the one initiating contact with him. You're not going to call him or accidentally run into him at the local coffee bar. Instead, you're going to make a conscious effort to avoid him at all costs. Most women find it most effective if they do this for minimum two weeks, although you may have to continue it for a bit longer. You can find more about it at No Contact Rule

The reason this does actually work is fairly simple. If you are constantly in contact with your ex boyfriend once the break up has occurred he's going to continually be reminded of why he ended things. He's going to feel justified in his decision to split with you and he'll never change his mind about that. The more you reach out to him, the farther he'll pull away. You probably have already noticed this occurring in your relationship with him now.

All men dream of being with someone who is mature and emotionally stable. They also secretly long for a woman who plays a little hard to get. Even though you and he have already been in a relationship, you can become these things. If you don't chase after him, you'll be showing him that you're not his anymore. Once a week or two passes and there's absolutely no word from you, he'll be forced to face the reality that you may no longer want him. Suddenly you've gone from a clingy ex girlfriend to a desirable woman he has to chase after to capture. Once this happens the ball is squarely in your court and you have the upper hand. You can see more about it at: Make Him Chase You

Being uncertain as to whether or not you have completely lost the love of your life forever is one of the most difficult positions to be in, because you wait, and wait, and wait, and really just don't know if your ex boyfriend will come back to you.

But, although there may seem to be no definite answers from your ex boyfriend, you can figure out if they will return using these 5 signs:

Look At The Breakup Discussion - What are the last things that your ex said to you? If your ex said something like "We're done, I am moving on, it's time you do too!", then it's clear they don't intend on coming back. BUT, if your ex said something like "I need some space.

You don't change! This isn't working out!", then your ex may come back because they suggest that they would if you change or things become different. You need to see more about it at How to Reverse The Breakup

Look At The Distance Factor - Your ex may be ignoring you, and may have cut off all contact; but that may only be because they asked for space; thus he may come back.

But if you notice your ex reacting when you contact them, by telling you to leave them alone, blocking you, and turning their phone off; on the other hand; then they are over you and want you to move on.

Look At Why You Broke Up - If the cause of the breakup was something serious like cheating, then it can be almost impossible to recover from that, and your boyfriend may not come back, even if he was the one who cheated.

The causes of a breakup almost always tell you whether or not your partner will come back, ESPECIALLY if your ex boyfriend forgave you for those same things in the past. You can find more about it at: How to Make Him Forgive You

Look At The Communication - Does your ex still keep communication open, by keeping the same phone number, allowing you to email them (not blocking you), and sometimes responding to you? If so, then your ex is open to reconciling with you.

Or has your ex tried to change everything so that you can't contact them? If so, then your ex is trying to get rid of you and wants to move on.

Look At Their Current Life - Has your ex moved on or dated anyone since? Has your ex been able to commit or be with anyone consistently since the breakup? If your ex boyfriend has not moved on, or has not really tried getting serious with anyone else since the breakup, it's clear they are not over you still.

But if your ex is dating someone and he tries to find a new girl all the time, he is over you and isn't interested in getting you back.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back to find out more.

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