I have to share a story with you. The other day I was working a job fair and I was in a conversation with a few other principals in my school district. One of the principals was describing a story of a friend he knew who had taken his family to a Dallas Mavericks basketball game.

As they were leaving Dallas, he stopped at a local convenience store for the family to pick up a few snacks and take a restroom break. His kids were a bit rambunctious… running around grabbing snacks and causing some major chaos. As the gentleman approached the cashier, he began apologizing for his children’s chaotic behavior . He was quick to tell him, “I’m sure ready to get my kids out of here and get on the road… the cashier replied…“Me too!”

In his futile attempt to make up for his rambunctious kiddos, he told the cashier, “ Well… give me a few of those candy bars, some beef jerky, a couple bags of chips… and a few of your lottery tickets.”

Well… guess what happened next?

He hit a 24 million dollar jackpot from one of those tickets.

Now… as I listened to the story I thought to myself… “Good for him!”

Come to find out… the gentleman had been a long time financial advisor and after his financial windfall… he utilized his expertise to wisely invest his earnings and secure his family ’s financial future. You see he had prepared himself to experience this massive financial windfall.

That is the point of writing this article… you must believe you can have abundant prosperity and wealth in your own life long before you will ever see it.

I was concerned with a comment from another principal after she had heard the story… she responded, “I can’t imagine having that amount of money.”

Unfortunately for her she will never have the opportunity to find out because she doesn’t believe she ever will.

The Universe will send you what you focus on right now in your life… if you are consumed by the lack of money you have or how tired you feel from working a job or how bad you feel each day… well get ready for more of the same to show up in the future.

If you want health, wealth and true prosperity in every area of your life… believe it is happening NOW!

Remember… you must believe it… you must know it… long before it will manifest into your own life.

Now if you visualize what it is going to feel like hitting your own jackpot…you are more than half way there.

So begin believing you are destined to live the life you desire and allow the abundance and prosperity to flood your current existence.

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Flinton has worked in the public schools as a teacher, coach , school administrator and consultant. He is also the author of "Xtreme Teen Success... Empowering Principles to Ensure Every Child's Success!' and "The Science of Getting Rich for TEENS!"

Discover more empowering information at www.xtremeteenfitness.com