Do small businesses need to be on YouTube? You probably know that Youtube is now considered as the second biggest search engine in query volumes. Do you know what does this mean to a small business? Well, many views on YouTube are for entertainment purposes, that is why the likes of Justin Bieber or lady gaga have millions of views. However, quite a number of users who search for information or help. The statistics show that 35 million ‘how to’ searches are carried monthly.

This means at least 35 million potential clients in need of a service or information that your company may provide. Video marketing presents a new opportunity to get the much-needed recognition.

Worldwide AccessSome of the advantages that YouTube offers is global reach. This site can be accessed by anyone from any parts of the world. This gives small businesses an opportunity to transact with anyone with no geographical boundaries.

It’s FreeYouTube is a free site, from uploading videos to viewing them or signing up. This is currently the cheapest form of video marketing. The only costs that may be required include getting camcorder for quality videos. Billboards are not free but YouTube is.

Videos Are PowerfulA survey carried out on user trends indicates that users rather watch a video than read an article online. Also a video has a way of communicating in a way that cannot be expressed in words. By giving great tips, a business can demonstrate that it is well versed with the service or product they are offering hence increase consumer confidence.

Video has more potential to go viral than any other content we know, be sure to create an appealing and captivating video for your target audience. If the users like it, they will sure click on the link to your website.

Round the Clock MarketingA YouTube video is like a sales person that does not sleep. Make the video once, upload it once and let the virtual ‘sales person’ do all the work for you. With every new video that you release, you would be increasing your ‘sales people’. There is entirely no limit to what can be done here.

Gives Your Business A Face
A video shows a business’ face to the client. It demonstrates in detail how the business is just by viewing the videos posted. A video that is poorly done and sounds sad will seriously hurt you brand and marketing.
If the business cannot produce a professional video, there are a lot of professionals out there to produce quality content for a minimal fee.

Video is Self-SEO Optimized
How many search queries have you carried out and seen a video appear on the top results? A video stands out above other links in a search engine result and in YouTube; its results appear on a normal search even without getting into the site. That probably is one of the best reason why buying YouTube views is highly advised by Experts from best SEO company Toronto .

With all the above benefits, I think the question of do small businesses need to be on YouTube is pretty much answered; it is a force to reckon with and should not at all be overlooked.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones