You love your parents deeply and dearly; that is why it is so distressing when you begin to worry over their safety and well being when you are not home. You might be wondering, when is it time to begin thinking about in home care?

There are some red flags to watch for that can give you an indicator that it may be time to begin considering in home care such as Bethesda at home Care for your parents. One red flag is if your parent is falling when left on their own. Anyone can fall at any stage of life but if you see more falls than the usual and customary amount occur in a period of time, it is worth noting and keeping track of. One fall can be chocked up to coincidence. Two or more falls within several months is not normal and can tell you much about their stability when left on their own.

Another red flag to watch for is if they are forgetting to take their prescribed medications. Bethesda Home Care understands that of course, we all can and do occasionally forget to take a medication but if this is happening on a repeated basis it is worth noting and thinking on. The same goes for everyday tasks. Bethesda Live in home care states that you should ask yourself are your parents still able to see to their own daily needs? Are they able to do things like cook for themselves, dress themselves and do their own household chores? Those are needs that must be met and if your parent is no longer capable of doing those things it is a sign at home care is needed.

One thing that is a sure sign of needed in home care such as Bethesda Stroke Care is Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Both illnesses prevent a person from thinking in logical ways and wipe away the memory of normal life. This is a situation that requires immediate action.

You only have your parent's best interest at heart. You love them so naturally you want them safe and well cared for. It is better to err on the side of caution than wait until an injury or other problem strikes that leaves them hurt or in danger.

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If you believe your parents need in home care, call us we can help you with your love one at home.