You might have needed to take a second glance at that title and wondered if I'm not a bit confused, but you read it right. I asked:

What is Your Why?

Not what is someone else's why, or what does someone else think your why should be, but

What is Your Why?

I'll keep typing the words over and over again in a huge font with bold and italics hoping you'll stop reading for one minute and really consider the question.

What is Your Why?

Has it sunk in yet?

If not, that's really ok. The most important thing is for you to stop and think about it.

What is Your Why?

Wait, what the heck am I talking about? The words don't even make sense. If you're asking yourself the question, you will eventually get not the answer, but your answer.

You see the answer to this one is different for each and every person and only you can find that answer that is uniquely your's.

What is Your Why?

What I mean by the question is that you need to ask yourself exactly what is your reason for doing what you're doing?

What is Your Why?

Being in business for yourself is challenging under the best of circumstances and not everyone is doing it under the best of circumstances. In fact, most of us aren't. We all have our challenges, obstacles, mental hang ups, insecurities, uncertainties, etc, etc., so on and so on, blah, blah, blah.

But none of that matters if you have a big enough answer to the question

What is Your Why?

Hold the phone! Now I'm saying that you not only have to have an answer to the question, but that it has to be "big enough"?

That's right. Your reason for doing what your doing has to be big. I mean huge. No, not huge gargantuan, astronomical, big, big, B-I-G big!!

Wow! But what if I can't come up with a big enough

What is Your Why?

then I might as well pack up and go home?

No, no, no. Please get this. You already have your why. And it's absolutely enormous. So much so that it brings a tear to your eye when you think about it.

The key is to think about it.

Be really clear with yourself about your why.

Know it. Understand it. Embrace it. Love it. Live it.

Your why is what will give you the motivation , that extra kick-in-the-pants when you really need it. A big enough, important enough why will keep you going no matter what obstacles pop up in your way.

So get out there, grab your dreams and hold on for all your worth. You can make them happen. If your why is big enough.

With your why, you can move mountains!

If you need some help getting to your why you might read our article What Is Your Inspiration

I hope that was helpful.

Thank You for tuning in.

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To Your MLM Success,
Mary & Dean R BlackOnline Business & Marketing Coaches

Author's Bio: 

Mary & Dean R Black have been happily married since March 2010 with a blended family including 3 kids. They are taking the network marketing industry by storm with their special blend of passion for life and love for their kids and especially for each other.

They live in suburban Atlanta, Ga. and enjoy working on their businesses and spending time with their kids. They have figured out how to successfully do both at the same time without neglecting either.