Data Analysis is an internal organizational function. Data Analysis is the process of evaluating data using various analytical and statistical tools to make the useful information. The main purpose of data analysis is to find the meaning in data so that the derived information is used in decisions. Data Analytics is needed in business for consumer applications.

Types of Data Analysis:

  1. Descriptive Analysis:Descriptive Analysis is using past data and analysis that what is happened. Descriptive Analysis is used Key Performance Indicators (KPIS), Sales, revenue, etc.
  2. Diagnostic Analysis:Diagnostic Analysis is used to analyses why something is happened. Diagnostic Analysis is used to determine to figure out the reasons.
  3. Predictive Analysis:Predictive Analysis is used for future analysis. In this research, trends are using past data for future predictions. Predictive Analysis is used in various complicated issues such as risk assessment, sales forecasting and qualifying leads.
  4. Prescriptive Analysis:Prescriptive Analysis is combines the information and plan an action to face the issues and decisions. Prescriptive Analysis is done data driven.

Data Analysis Online Course is for individuals and professionals. Data Analysis Online Course provides the basic understanding of analyzing business problems, framing structured thinking, data visualization, connecting data using SQL, tableau, etc.

Data Analysis Online Course is playing an important role in businesses. The demand of Data Analysts is increasing day- by- day and highly recognized.

Data Analysis is important for:

  1. Solving Problems:Data Analysis is important for solving the problems in the businesses. Data Analysis is taking the decision and providing the information that help the business to avoid any loss. Data Analysis is used to detect the technical problems in the quality and quantity of production.
  2. Cut Operations cost:Data Analysis is important for cut operational costs in the businesses. Data Analysis helps to run the business effectively and efficiently. Data Analysis helps to understand the how to reduce the production and operational costs.
  3. Adding new Innovations:Data Analysis is important for adding new innovations in the businesses. Data Analysis provides a rough idea of future trends in consumer behavior . This will help to create and produce new products. These innovations help to maintain an advantage edge in the competitive environment.
  4. Effective Decision Making:Data Analysis is important for Effective decision making in the businesses. Data Analysis understands the data that help to make good decision making and bring value by refining the good decisions.
  5. Increases Business Productivity:Data Analysis is important for increases the business productivity in the businesses. Data Analysis understands makes every action precise and straight that helps to increase the business productivity . Data Analysis know about the risk and maintain it earlier for better growth.
  6. Knowing of target customers:Data Analysis is important for knowing of target customers in the businesses. Data Analysis is understanding the customers’ needs and requirements and know the know the performance of products in the market. This information helps to make effective products for the clients and customers to satisfying the needs.

Best Data Analytics Online Certification is providing the basic knowledge of tools such as Microsoft excel python, sql and r programming.

With the help of online summer training the job opportunities will more and more as you can go in the field of IT Systems Analyst, Healthcare Data Analysts, Operations Analysts, Data Scientists, Data Engineer, Data Analytics Consultant, Digital Marketing Manager, Quantitative Analyst, Data Visualization Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Intelligence Engineer and many more.

Data Analysis is used in small businesses, retail companies, hospitality, sports , Pharma, etc. Data Analysis is used in various companies such as IBM, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.

Author's Bio: 

Hi I am Jeniifer a Professional Blogger and Writer. For Past 1.5 Years i am shares information related to tech, lifestyle, fashion,education,travel, health etc.You can follow me on Google+ and Twitter