Many of the saints of God are having difficulty and being fought by the enemy. This is not unusual because, if you are doing the will of the Lord, the enemy will not be your friend. Some are being fought more than others and some, seemingly heavier than others. I ask us all to be in prayer one for another.

The thing that I want to address, by the Spirit of the Lord, is this...Do not allow the enemy to defeat you by reminding you of what you do not have.

When we compare ourselves to other ministries and think about the tools and supplies that others have to work with, then we look at the supplies and tools that we have, we have a tendency to say "I wish I had...".

We know we have heard the voice of the Lord speak to us, we know that we have heard the command of the Lord, we know that we have the vision clear but, we look at what we don't have and say, "How Lord?" It is impossible to accomplish what He has said to do with what I have available to me and the resources that I had are drying up. What do I do next?

I was just going through this myself. I look at where I live and the conditions that are around me and I say, Lord, you have got to be kidding. It does get frustrating.

But, the other day, the Lord reminded me of someone who was given an "impossible" task by the Lord and had lost everything and left everything behind. He thought he had a vision, when he had the resources. But, when he went to do the "vision", in his own way, he failed and was rejected. I'm talking about Moses.

When the Lord met with him, he asked him a questions. After Moses realized that he had "nothing" to work with, "nothing" that would help him to accomplish the task, the Lord asked him a question. Exodus 4:2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand?

Never mind what you don't have, what do you have? So I ask myself, what DO I have? And I ask you, What do YOU have? Your answer and my answer, NOTHING! That may seem to be the correct answer because we are looking for a "mighty tool" to answer all of our concerns. But that is not what we have, all we have is Exodus 4:2 ...A rod. That's ALL? Yes, that's all. But that is all I need, that is all you need.

The power is not in the rod, it is in the Lord. If I will yield my pitiful little "stick" to Him, He will transform it into whatever He wants it to be. But I must be careful to carry it with me and use it by His command, no matter what it looks like when I lay it down. My faith is not in the rod but, in the Lord. My faith must be to obey Him. Use what I have in my hand, in obedience to Him, and trust Him to transform what I have placed before Him and believe Him to see it work.

I admonish you. Do not be discouraged by what you do not have. if you have no car, use the transportation that is available to you, if you have no money, do what you can do for free. No radio, use your voice, etc. Stop letting the devil defeat you by making you concentrate on what is not there. There is something that you already have that He wants to use to show His might in your situation. And, if you and I will be faithful in doing our part, He will do exceeding abundantly above ALL we can ask or think!

This is not just something that I am telling you, this is the way in which I have had to live for several years now. And sometimes, it gets to me, but He always takes me to this same area of Scripture and reminds me, it is Him, not my resources. He brings the vision to pass.

Pray for one another and walk with Him.

In HIS Service,
Bishop August S. Francis
Apostle/Presiding Officer
Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network

Author's Bio: 

Bishop August S. Francis is a native New Orleanian but has been a Texan for more than twenty-five (25) years. The Lord saved him on the day before his eighteenth (18th) and called him to ministry and, although he still shy by nature, he functions because the Lord has mercy and gives him grace to minister the Gospel.

He has had the opportunity to minister and start churches in several states across the nation and operates in the office of the Apostle. He is on the board of several ministerial and educational organizations and is a seminary professor. He is the Texas coordinator of Interdenominational Evangelical Churches (Presiding Bishop Claude E. Tears, Chicago, IL), and the Director of Tell Them Fellowship and Network, a fellowship of ministers, pastors and churches, world wide.

Bishop Francis has one main purpose ... To Help People Become Everything That The LORD Wants Them To Be!

Dr. Francis is a resident of Beaumont Texas, married and has three children left at home. One of them has already followed him into ministry.