I bet you have been searching the Internet for that magic weight loss "pill" that will make you lose 10 pounds a week without much effort, yes? We all want things now because we've gotten used to it living in our world where everything is near instantaneous. I'm guilty of wanting things fast, too, so I know exactly how you feel.

You may not realize it but this is the very thing that's been keeping you from getting that body you've been dreaming of…and KEEPING it. I'll explain in a few.

For me, looking for that "magic pill" applied to my career goal but the knowledge still applies to whatever goal you are after. So, I hope this philosophy makes you say "aha!" like it did to me and gets you to finally achieve that body you want…and keep it!

OK, here's the story.

Just a few days ago I was searching the Internet on how to get _____ really fast. I came across an interview and after listening to it for a little bit there was something in the whole message that really hit me and made me realize, like I told you, that wanting it fast does NOT work if you want to "make it big."

For you, you want that nice sexy body and you want it now (like everyone else). That's why there are thousands of weight loss products for you to choose from that gives you "fast" results. So what do you do? You keep searching for the safest product that makes you lose weight fast (by the way, how safe and permanent is something that suppresses your hunger or screws with your metabolism?). Maybe you have tried a few but you keep searching and searching because really, you haven't changed at all. You don't believe that you can achieve and live the naturally fit lifestyle (eat sensibly - not strictly, do some resistance movements, move around and get some decent exercise , etc).

But here's the paradox of life. If you want great change (again, in your case, weight loss that will be permanent), then SLOW DOWN!

When you jump from "magic pill" to "magic pill" you are losing 20 pounds, then gaining 20 pounds, losing 25 pounds, gaining 25 pounds…IF YOU'RE LUCKY! Most "yo-yo-er's" actually come back heavier. The slow and gradual philosophy may be "one brick at a time" but each successful layer builds upon the other.

Here's an example of slow is faster. Ever noticed when you are rushing you forget more things, accidents happen more often, stress levels rise, making you do and say regretful things (not to mention the ill effects of stress), etc. ALL of these actually slow your progress down, and not just in terms of getting to your destination, but building a healthy body (stress wreck havoc on your body) and building your social network (yelling at people does not leave a good impression) and many other things.

Look at every great piece of work, i.e. The Statue of Liberty, The Great Wall of China, The Golden Gate Bridge, etc. Care and attention was taken each step of the way to ensure the result turned out to be a beautiful and permanent piece of work.

Working out for over 2 decades, Remember, you want a body for LIFE so consistency, not once a month high intensity training, is what get's results for life.

Slow down, organize, focus, and do the one thing well. THEN proceed when the objective is accomplished.

How can you apply this philosophy to your (permanent) weight loss goal?

Can you find one alternative for your empty calorie snacks, i.e. candy, soda, etc.? Can you park further from the entrance to walk that extra 100 yards? Can you get off the elevator 3 floors below your final stop so you can walk the stairs? Can you incorporate one body weight resistance exercise , i.e. push-ups, pull-ups, controlled step-ups (where you step up and down on a stool), etc.?

As someone whom has been "scared" to hit the gym because it was dead lift day, telling myself that it was OK to do a weight that was nice and easy made ALL the difference in the world. I can't tell you how important it is to your psyche to finish one set (or any part of an activity) first before even thinking about doing another set. And the surprising thing is that almost 90 percent of the time I've ended up with an awesome work out! The key that has kept me exercising for over 25 years was "slow and easy!"

So, do not rob yourself from a great body by scaring yourself by thinking that every workout is going to be torture (unless you love that). Decide after you finish that set, that 100 yard walk, or whatever you are doing that day, if you are able to do more.

Take your time building your sexy body…. but hurry and lay "ONE brick" down now!

Author's Bio: 

Asher has been involved with resistance training since 1984 and got into the nutrition and weight management aspect of physical fitness in the early 1990's. He's a firm believer that building muscles not only dramatically increases self-confidence, but also helps manage your weight automatically.

The sensible alternative to "miracle pills" and fad diets can be found at this safe weight loss page.