When we think about all the things we have in all areas of our lives, we may not see how much we really do have unless we write it down. If we were to write down all the money we have made in our lifetime, if we were to calculate all the time we have accumulated or all the friends we have made, then we would realize that we do have an abundance . God wants us to use what we have been given or else He will take it away.

Matthew 25:29 “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance . But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”

Let’s think a minute about our money. Yes, we all think we need more. But do we really? It may be time to write down where our money is going and see if the ways we are spending our money are God’s ways or our ways. The first thing we need to do with our money is to give God back a portion of it as an act of love and obedience. The rest we should use to live on and to do things for others.

Where does most of our time go? Yes, we are busy all the time. But what are we doing? Writing down all the things that keep us busy will take a little more time at first but it will help us to see where most of our time goes. Then we can eliminate time wasters and add in time to help others and to make a difference for God.

How much time do we spend with friends and family ? If we are always busy visiting friends and doing things with our family , what other areas of our lives are being neglected? It’s good to have friend and family time, but we need to be aware of how much social time we spend versus how much time we are meeting new people so we can get to know them and help them as well.

It is the same with our talents. We all have special strengths. We have things we enjoy doing and we are good at. If we only use our skills for us or if we believe that we aren’t good enough or what we do doesn’t really matter, then we are really doing nothing. One or two small things using our talents will make a difference. We are to use our talents to help others and to do God’s will.

We can't really focus well when we have too much. We can have too much money, too many friends, too much free time that keeps us from being on purpose for God. When we have too much, we can get caught up in it all and do very little or nothing for God. We should use what we have as God has instructed us to do and give away what we don’t need. When we give away our abundance , we can make a difference and God will give us even more.

Author's Bio: 

Frances Lucas has lived in Birmingham, Alabama for over 40 years. She is a working mother with three children and has progressively improved her life through mistakes, persistence and a sense of humor. Her passion in life surfaced after a major setback in life which proves good things can come from bad experiences.Frances coaches in career and personal improvement, facilitates self-improvement classes and writes articles.

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