A girl in my high school math class said she thought the freckles on my nose were cute. Those weren’t freckles… they were a smattering of blackheads. Now, over a decade later, I still deal with blackheads on my nose, and I still notice them every day.

Blackheads are pimples that rise to the surface of the skin. When a pore gets clogged and closes up, it’s known as a whitehead. But when the top remains open, a blackhead forms.

A lot of people think that blackheads are dark because that’s the color of the dirt in the pore. The truth is, blackheads are black or dark gray because the oil and dead skin that clog the pore “oxidize” (turn black) when they come into contact with air.

If you’re dealing with Remove Blackheads , you may be wondering how to get rid of them on and around your nose. Here are eight options you can try — from DIY remedies to dermatologist recommendations — plus prevention tips that will help keep blackheads away.

I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard that washing your face regularly can help with acne.

It’s a good idea to wash your face even in the morning to remove any dirt or bacteria that may have gotten on your face at night. You’ll also want to make sure you’re washing your pillowcases regularly. Just be careful not to over-cleanse, which may strip skin and actually make it produce more oil to compensate.

Be sure to wash as soon after exercising as possible. A face cleansing wipe is a great for this if you don’t have easy access to a sink. Sweat can get trapped in pores along with dirt and oil, which is why you want to wash your face — ideally before the sweat has a chance to dry.

You can find gentle facial cleansing wipes online or at your local pharmacy or beauty supply store.We’ve all seen the commercials with the smiling woman delighted to be removing blackheads from her nose. Pore strips temporarily remove a layer of skin, and with it often comes the oxidized oil and dirt that make up the blackhead.

Pore strips won’t prevent those blackheads from coming back, however, because they don’t regulate your skin’s oil production. For best results, try steaming your face beforehand (over a pot of boiling water, for example, being very cautious) to open up the pores. While they can make pores temporarily appear smaller, pore strips also have the potential to remove important natural oils and hair follicles that are helpful to skin.

You can find pore strips online or at your local pharmacy or beauty supply store. It can feel a little odd to layer oily sunscreen on top of skin that’s breaking out, which may be caused by excess oil. But it’s important that you wear sunscreen regardless of the type of skin you have — oily, dry, or sensitive.

Fortunately, there are some great oil-free options that will effectively block UVA and UVB rays. Check out these oil-free sunscreens for oily or acne-prone skin.

When you think of exfoliation, you may think of harsh or rough scrubs. These can actually make acne more inflamed.  More at Fabnewz

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making,Games, Fashion, Product Reviews etc. It is my Hobby and passion.

M.B Qasim Shehzad Ch