If you’re on the quest for achieving the perfect set of healthy white teeth, you’re not alone.

While your local cosmetic dentist can help you in your endeavor, what if we told you that the route to getting healthy teeth and mouth was as simple as eating the right foods? After all, you are what you eat!

Mentioned ahead are eight foods that will improve your overall oral health and leave you with shiny white choppers.

1. Kiwis

Kiwis are a rich source of Vitamin C, which make it great for your teeth’s health. It is also beneficial for your gum tissue. If gums don’t receive adequate Vitamin C, their collagen deteriorates and they become tender and painful. Also, they become more prone to periodontal diseases.

2. Cheese

All cheddar cheese lovers, your time has come! Not only is cheese high in calcium, it also lowers the acid levels in your mouth, thereby preventing plaque buildup. When you chow down hard cheeses, your saliva production will increase, which will wash down the bacteria in your mouth. Hard, aged cheeses are your teeth’s friends.

3. Tea

Love sipping on black and/or green tea? They could be great for your teeth as they contain compounds called polyphenols , which are instrumental in fighting the growth of bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease. What’s more? They also fight bad breath. Catechins, found in green tea, destroy bacteria that cause plaque, gum diseases and cavities.

4. Strawberries

Did you know strawberries have natural teeth-whitening properties? In fact, you can make a concoction at home by crushing some strawberries and mixing the pulp with baking soda. Apply this mixture on your teeth and brush it off five minutes later with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. Rinse to find your teeth visibly whiter than before. If you find strawberry seeds stuck between your teeth, floss after performing this procedure.

5. Spinach

Take a leaf (of spinach) out of Popeye’s book and eat spinach for healthier teeth as it is replete with vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in Vitamins A and C, iron, and folic acid – all responsible for good dental health. Further, it contains antioxidants that eliminate oxidizing agents from your body. This benefits your entire body, thereby resulting in healthy teeth and gums.

6. Nuts

Nuts are not only tasty, they’re also incredibly healthy when eaten in moderation. Whether it is cashews, walnuts or almonds, they’re all great for you as they’re filled with minerals and vitamins that are friends of your teeth. Chewing them revs up your saliva production, which keeps your mouth clean. Further, the omega-3 fatty acids in nuts play an important role in strengthening your teeth and supporting your gums. So, feel free to go nuts over them!

7. Liver

It’s not exactly known for being teeth-friendly, but the fact is that liver has some great nutritional qualities that aid strong teeth and healthy gums. It is rich in fat soluble Vitamins A, D, K1 and K2. It is also a great source of Vitamin C and iron. Eating a couple of servings in a week can help keep your teeth, gums and mouth in good shape.

8. Garlic

Traditionally used to add a delicious flavor to food, garlic is also a boon for your overall oral health as it is full of antibacterial goodness. Garlic contains allicin - it’s the component that gives you ‘garlic breath.’ It is also responsible for giving garlic its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral and antifungal properties that balance the flora in your mouth. Garlic destroys bacteria that cause cavities and gum diseases. Thanks to its prebiotic fiber content, you will have a healthy gut, which in turn, will give you healthy teeth and gums.


Including the above food items in your diet will work wonders for your dental health. And anything that benefits your teeth is sure to be good for your overall physical health too. So go on, munch on these yummy foods! However, continue brushing and flossing your teeth to get rid of food particles and plaque buildup between your teeth. A combination of eating right and cleaning your teeth can give you the best oral health protection.

Author's Bio: 

Earl Reser is a freelance writer & blogger based in the United States and she has been in this writing profession for the last 5 years. She is ready to help anyone that has to do with words/contents.