If you are thinking about investing your money to meet your financial goals, you should have a list of questions to ask any prospective financial advisor, counselor or guru. Not only will you become at least partially financially literate but your investing could just end up producing personal ... Views:2238
Inevitably if you are an investor problems will arise with your investments and/or your investment advisor. This seems to be a fact of life in the investment world.
Should you find yourself in this position the Securities and Exchange Commission says the best way to handle the issue is to act ... Views:1012
Annuities and your retirement may sound like a mismatch but the truth is an annuity is the only product available that will pay a monthly check for life. No other investment vehicle can make this guarantee.
Before I launch into an explanation on annuities I need to make a disclosure. I own an ... Views:1060
Insurance is the tool all of us use to transfer risk. It is a simple process given the number of insurance companies in existence and the fact you can insure almost anything you own.
Take your automobile. Every state requires at least a minimum amount of coverage through a type of insurance ... Views:1196
Money management tricks of the rich are actually money management tricks everyone already has at their disposal. All it takes is one, knowing what they are and two, applying them to your situation.
The first trick is something I call recognition. A person has to not only recognize they have a ... Views:3220
Insurance is designed to protect a person and/or a family from disasters and financial burdens. For most of us, life insurance is the first type of insurance that comes to mind.
That is a good thing since there are certain financial commitments you make to you and your family that need to be ... Views:1159
A fixed index annuity (FIA) is a type of annuity currently enjoying popularity among many investors. However, it wasn’t always that way. The truth is the current generation of fixed index annuities was introduced in early 1995.
Over the last ten to twelve years FIAs have not only grown but ... Views:1784