Family members respond differently to bipolar in the family. For some there may be a sense of relief that the extreme mood and behavior has a name and can be treated. Others may find it difficult to accept the diagnosis and attribute the person’s behavior to their personality, stress or some ... Views:2778
Some family members or close friends may be able to help the person they care for recognize warning signs of bipolar and take action to prevent full bipolar relapse.
Not all people with bipolar disorder get these warning signs, but for those who do, involving a family member or close friend ... Views:2846
Bipolar depression can engulf the person you know in a dark cloud so they are hardly recognizable. It can be severe or mild and last for a considerable time. The person may:
• Find nothing interesting or enjoyable
• Be emotionally flat, empty, sad or tearful
• Feel worthless, excessively ... Views:2369
Bipolar disorder (previously called manic depression) affects not only the life of the bipolar sufferer, but also the life of their close family and friends. These bipolar carers or caregivers can be a vital source of support to sufferers. However, bipolar carers may be faced with the person’s ... Views:2786