The Un-Hypnotist – An Introduction to Freedom
Face it. It’s an un-free, unfair, cruel and dysfunctional world. And the only reason you put up with it and have not found freedom (for those of you who have not found freedom) is because you are hypnotized. Early on, you were socially coerced ... Views:2011
Is more ‘preventive testing’ the best and brightest answer?
“Be outrageous. It’s the only place that isn’t crowded.” --Anon
Sound a trumpet blast! Fling open the door! Flip the switch on the floodlights of wisdom and knowledge about the only universal healthcare plan that may ever work ... Views:1862
Imagine a senior management team or a board of directors who are gathered together to make several important decisions.
On the table are crucial matters that could change the course of corporate life, or even make the different between success and failure of the company.
As the ... Views:3141
What is Superconsciousness?
Athletes call it the zone. Artists and writers call it the muse. Theists call it enlightenment.
For the rest of us mere mortals, it’s those times when a solution to a problem or name we’re trying to remember suddenly pops into our mind; like when we’re taking a ... Views:2861