The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when you get out of the way!
Cut your finger and immediately your body begins to heal. The blood coagulates to form a clot and stop the bleeding. There may be a slight scab as this heals over. Then the scab heals and the skin forms and grows. ... Views:938
Two Drivers to Quit Smoking
Did you know there are two major drivers that motivate people to change? What are these drivers that motivate people to quit smoking?
These motivating factors are behind every change a person makes in their life, and I share these with all of my clients ... Views:1034
What is the secret behind quitting smoking?
Stopping smoking is more than changing a habit - it is a change in LifeStyle. This is why quitting smoking is a “coaching” issue.
The secret behind quitting smoking, for the long term, includes changing your self-image.
This is the ... Views:959
Attract Prosperity! Is that POSSIBLE?!
Is it possible to attract prosperity? Here is a much more interesting question: Is it possible to push prosperity away?
If you do not believe you deserve a better job, will you take action to make it happen?
If you believe money is the root of ... Views:2641
Isn’t’ it nice to know, that you have not one, but two minds? Your conscious mind, and your unconscious mind!
What is the conscious and unconscious mind?
Simple answer: the conscious is everything you are aware of, in the moment, and the unconscious is everything else, outside of your ... Views:2958