I have been through one enormous change in my life that was incredible and has helped me achieve so much that I wanted to share the one thing that really made it happen.
Just over fifteen years ago when I was 17, approaching 18, I was living in my car, on the street or on the occasional sofa. ... Views:1243
Achieving a work life balance is a phrase that I heard for the first time only a few years ago but as soon as I heard what people were saying I knew what they meant. Like almost everyone else I have experienced being chained to a job that prevented me from having much of a life outside of ... Views:1564
Have you ever been told you were lucky for something you achieved when actually you worked for it or took risks to get it? I lost count of the times when people that told me I was lucky and they didn't know me or what I had to go through to get where I am. It got to the point where I felt quite ... Views:1219
I have a very odd memory, I can remember somethings like a video, photographic you might call it, but other things I can't recall at all. It does not matter about the importance of the situation or whether I want to remember something or not, my mind seems to be randomly selecting the things to ... Views:1192
I was recently asked what my book How To Be Lucky was about, to describe it and say what people would get out of it; I was silent for a minute while I thought about how I could sum up so much in a few sentences. I then described it as a book that will change your life. I explained it is partly ... Views:1224
Self improvement, and generally improving your life is something we should all be doing at most stages in our life. No matter how well I am doing, at no point have I ever thought "I've made it". You should always be thinking: How can you improve your life?
Fifteen years ago I was in a hostel ... Views:1877