Surgical removal of lymph nodes and lymph vessels as part of standard medical procedure for breast cancer patients is not just useless, but also harmful, according to a new study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. ... Views:2615
Research Reveals the Healing Power of the Mind
One Study Invalidates Much of Medical Science
My lifelong assertion that much of medical science is literally wishful thinking has now been confirmed by new, groundbreaking scientific research involving the, so far, underestimated healing ... Views:1924
What you are about to read may rock or even dismantle the very foundation of your beliefs about your body, health and healing. The title, Cancer Is Not a Disease, may be unsettling for many, provocative to some, but encouraging for all. This book will serve as a life-altering revelation for ... Views:2541
Think of the liver as a large city with thousands of houses and streets. There are underground pipes for delivering water, oil, and gas. Sewage systems and garbage trucks remove the city's waste products. Power lines deliver energy to the homes and businesses. Factories, transport systems, ... Views:2021
If you experience major, persisting health problems, either physical or emotional, your liver may be congested with toxic compounds that are trapped within clumps of hardened bile (intrahepatic stones. Almost all health conditions, beauty problems and premature aging are closely linked with ... Views:2041