We walk through life wondering why there are people that hurt us in the world. What would happen if we began to realize that they are not there to hurt us but to help heal us?
In many ways we walk through life not realizing how we affect others. We do not realize that one smile, action, or ... Views:1682
I have heard many of my friends tell me about the people who have crossed streets because they were wearing their pentacle. Many pagans such as myself wear this as symbol of our chosen path.
It represents the five elements, Air, Water, Earth and Spirit. The circle ... Views:1979
Feng Shui your pets!
You can use Feng Shui to enhance your animal friend's life, and why not?
Your pet feels stress, happiness, sadness, excitement.
But how would you do that?
Easy. We all know our pets personalities whether they are dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, or ... Views:2497
Have you ever thought of what it may be like to sit and have a conversation with your pet?
Many of us do on a physical level. We tell our dogs to sit and stay, our cats respond to us with a
happy purr when they get their loving scratch behind the ears.
What many of us are not aware of ... Views:1665