Looking to lose fat or go on a diet regime that actually works? Then you have to follow some simple, proven techniques and strategies that can really help you shed those pounds!
The first and most important rule in weight loss is the amount of calories you eat. Forget the macro ... Views:7618
If you are looking to gain weight there are a few simple rules; eat, train, sleep and repeat! You need to eat plenty of calories if you want to gain some serious muscle mass with an abundance of protein and carbohydrates. Weight gainers, when used wisely can be the difference between you ... Views:2535
Devastating Delts
This article will take you through the anatomy of the deltoids and how to train them for full growth. Building boulder shoulders will create the width on your frame.
The shoulders are made up of three ‘heads’, or different muscles that allow the shoulder to move as it ... Views:1666
Exercises to build bigger triceps
The triceps make up 2/3rds of arm mass, so as many people focus on bicep development, it is more prudent to really focus on building muscle on your triceps if you want bigger arms.
Tricep pushdown
You can use a rope attachment, or a straight bar on a ... Views:1364
Get The Most From Your Protein Intake!
If you want to get the most out of your workouts you need a great nutrition plan. We all know that protein is important for muscle growth and a lean body composition but your intake throughout the day must be correct in order to get the most out of your ... Views:1909
Some ideas for quick nutritious smoothies
It can be hard to eat the right foods for your goal, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. Whether you need to fit in all those calories whilst bulking up or need to eat healthy foods without the calories when dieting there are some great meal and ... Views:1328
Building Killer Legs
How can you tell a serious bodybuilder? Most people train chest and arms and walk around with matchstick legs. If you are serious about building a truly spectacular physique your legs must be worked to the limit. Not only will this add more weight to your frame, training ... Views:1870
Build Your Back With This Hardcore Workout!
Many people admire those wing-like lats you see on pro bodybuilders but training your back properly with full intensity requires exceptional technique, determination and concentration. You can easily fall into the trap of not training your back with ... Views:2333
V Taper Training – Building Your Muscular Physique
Building the classic V Taper will create a totally muscular upper body look! Large shoulders leading into a wide, thick back and a small waist creates the appearance of a large muscular frame. Learn how to create the classic V Taper in this ... Views:4156
Do Nitric Oxide Supplements Work?
Nitric Oxide is a gas formed in the body by the breakdown of L-Arginine to L-Citrulline through an enzyme group called Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS). Although nitric oxide is used for many purposes, it’s ability to increase blood flow will be discussed in this ... Views:4782
Eating For Muscle
It doesn’t matter what you do in the gym, how hard you train or how much weight you lift if you are not eating for muscle your gains are going to be non-existent. I believe that nutrition and training are equally important when gaining muscle, but overall if I had to give ... Views:949
What are the best muscle-building exercises? It's a question we all ask, so here's my version, based on the effectiveness of the exercise to build muscle on a specific body-part.
We're looking to build as much muscle mass as possible right? Cable flyes are a great isolating exercise, ... Views:987
Top 10 Tips For Reaching Your Goals!
Many people find it hard to reach their specific goals for a number of reasons. Some give up after not seeing any gains and some can’t seem to find the motivation. In any case, here are the top 10 tips on keeping to your regime and making sure you reach ... Views:1236
Creatine: The Basics
Creatine monohydrate is one of the most popular and commonly used sports supplements on the market. Creatine is research proven to be effecitive at building muscle mass when used in conjunction with proper training and diet.
When muscles are put under a high intensity ... Views:3479
Explaining Different Protein Sources
Protein supplements have risen to be one of the top selling nutritional supplements in the world. Protein powders used to be reserved for bodybuilders and strength athletes, but like many things that these people have advocated over the years, protein ... Views:1174
Lean Muscle Diet Tips
When looking to gain muscle mass we all know you need to eat more throughout the day to help your body build and repair muscle tissue. But let’s take a bigger view of the situation; why are you bulking up? I would imagine all of you are saying I want bigger muscles, I ... Views:1490
Explaining Pyramid Sets
When lifting weights and bodybuilding what is the best way to perform your sets? Most beginners will use the simple 3 sets of 10 reps approach, but most of the pros will use pyramid sets.
Pyramid sets a called as such because they follow a pyramid structure with the ... Views:2176
Chest Training
A fully developed chest is one of the most desired body parts from the vast majority of trainers. I don’t know a single person that would choose perfect calves or quads over their pecs! With this in mind we are going to look at the anatomy of the chest and the exercises you can ... Views:1548
Muscle Building Aminos - An Overview
The amino acids found in food make up proteins and are absolutely vital for life. When digested they are used to build and form new tissue and cells that are essential for all living things. In humans these proteins are used to build and maintain the skin, ... Views:1804