Learning to manifest your ideal life is wonderful, but there is an important step that many people leave out. They forget to leave room for the universe to bring them something even better than what they are asking for!
This article assumes you've already studied at least the basics of ... Views:1536
Each day is a rewarding, exciting journey when you are living from a center of purpose and meaning. And the following article makes finding your life purpose simple and fun.
Today more than ever people are interested in connecting with a sense of purpose. As a species we are no longer happy ... Views:1194
When you review the facts straight-laced, mainstream science is by far a bigger fairy tale than intuitive spirituality. Nowhere is this more evident than the scientific dismissal of an intelligent universe. Science types who consider themselves conservative often scoff at spiritual concepts like ... Views:1455
People have the tendency to assume great success is something only other people experience. However the world's most amazing success stories are about everyday human beings who believed in themselves and took consistent action.
For a variety of reasons it's difficult for most people to ... Views:963
It's impossible to appreciate your life if you spend most of your time regretting the past and fretting the future. True peace is found when you center your awareness in the present moment and accept the stillness and clarity of now.
Living in the present moment is the key to true happiness. ... Views:2801
In our chaotic modern society, most people spend their entire life in a past that no longer exists or a future that may never be real. Regret, anxiety, and displacement through fantasy are the norm in most cultures at the time of this writing.
The result is rampant stress-related illness and ... Views:1660
Living in the present moment is a concept many people pay lip service to. But few of us actually engage this principle in our daily walk.
Admit it: You spend almost all of your waking minutes absorbed in thoughts of the past or future. Reflection, regret, anxiety, and apprehension account for ... Views:1077
Writers who walk a spiritual path often take for granted the reader understands the basic concepts and terminology of modern, universal spirituality. In fact many people may not be versed in these "basics", and this article will attempt to define some foundation parameters for the curious and ... Views:1949
Living in the present moment is the key to having full access to your personal power. Only when you release the constant stream of daydreams and mental chatter can you function at full capacity.
When you accept the now you are more alert, relaxed, and energized. Also it is very common to ... Views:1299
Are speculations over how time might have begun and what happens to our consciousness after the body dies really the most pressing of spiritual issues? Isn't how we embrace the present moment far more critical to our growth and our ability to contribute to the world?
For centuries religion ... Views:1098
Metaphysical studies are a fantastic way to enhance your deliberate life creation experience. A little openness will go a long way, and you don't need to join a monastery or sit in the wilderness for a week fasting.
For instance the simple practice of meditation can help you develop a calm, ... Views:1400
Most of us identify with our thoughts and assume that we are the mind. However this is not the case; you are not your thinking and you are more than your mind.
Thoughts flow through your mind like water down a stream every moment of every day. It has been said that an individual entertains ... Views:1746
Ancient wisdom can help the spiritual traveler in the modern world. In the second passage of the Tao Te Ching we find a profound message that reflects one of the most important virtues taught by spiritual leaders and writers today.
Letting go is a simple spiritual concept that many people ... Views:2753
A free, flexible mind is the key to great happiness and personal growth. You have the right to choose what to think and how to feel in any moment without the permission or approval of others.
From a young age we are taught to adopt the values systems of our elders, deliberately define our ... Views:1150
People who are intentionally seeking spiritual and emotional growth often get frustrated when old, negative patterns resurface, especially if these old tendencies make a strong showing. But in truth such occurrences are proof of progress.
If you have been working on your temper, trying to ... Views:1448