ACE, the American Council on Exercise, has released surprising results from a new study that measured the health benefits of fitness walking with your baby in a stroller. Research concludes that the intensity of the activity is almost double than previously assumed and meets current health ... Views:1369
Most new moms assume that they should do lots of crunches to firm up their mummy-tummies, when in fact, these types of exercises can do more harm than good in the initial postpartum period.
The problem with exercises like crunches and oblique curls, is that they primarily work the external ... Views:5202
Round ligament pain is a common discomfort in the last half of pregnancy. It is most often felt on one side of the lower abdomen. Some women will experience it as a dull aching sensation, others a sharp stabbing pain. It's caused by the hormones of pregnancy which soften and stretch ligaments, ... Views:3033