Whenever we think of werewolves most of us can recall at least one 'transformation' scene from a movie where some poor soul, under the light of the Full Moon, undergoes a physical transformation into a werewolf.
While we may not necessarily turn into werewolves, nevertheless the Full Moon is ... Views:1778
Your Lunar North Node is like a prescription for changing your past-life conditioning. Your Ascendant is your Soul Vibration, while your North Node indicates a possible pathway that supports your Soul’s development by breaking the patterns of past-life conditioning (your South Node). Your North ... Views:2389
Here we explore why Pisces is also the sign of self-sacrifice, and what this really means in terms of our spiritual journey. As the last of the 12 Zodiac signs, and 12 developmental stages in human consciousness, Pisces is the most mysterious of all, and the most difficult for us to comprehend ... Views:2794
We are coming to the end of the Piscean Age, that began around 1 AD. Each Age lasts around 2,160 years, so while we are indeed on the ‘cusp’ of the coming Aquarian Age, we have about 150 years of Piscean influence yet to contend with. Since we are at the climax, it makes sense to reflect on our ... Views:1886
Your Soul’s development is not something you usually have conscious awareness of, in your everyday experience.
Your everyday experience is shaped, received and perceived through the filters of your personality. The simplest definition of ‘ego-personality’ is ‘when your mind is thinking about ... Views:1507
The purpose of any spiritual path, or practice, is to support us in integrating our Soul and personality, by developing Soul-awareness, recognition and identification. Soul Astrology supports us in this process, and our spiritual path, by helping us to discern which of our personal qualities, ... Views:2861
In part one we discussed Nietzches’ three stages of consciousness: the Camel, the Lion and the Child. If we look around at our world today there may be a significant number of individuals who are indeed waking up and walking their own individualized spiritual path, but there are an even greater ... Views:1486
Soul Astrology draws upon Psychological Astrology, Transpersonal Astrology and Esoteric Astrology. Soul Astrology is a bridge to get us from ‘here’ to ‘there’. Where is here? Our current psychological state in which our sense of identity stems from our egoic mind, and self-concepts based on ... Views:2009
Soul Astrology is the name given to forms of astrology that draw upon psychological astrology, transpersonal psychology and esoteric astrology, to create a model of the Universe and how we fit into it.
Many eminent people throughout history have also been astrologers. Carl Jung, one of the ... Views:6990