During these times of economical problems, environmental crisis, moral degeneration, spiritless leadership, people are looking for answers and looking for purpose. This is nothing new, of course. Although perhaps due to the precariousness of the human race as we raced past the millennium, ... Views:2472
Living in any major metropolitan area, drivers generally take to the road with a grimace; for undoubtedly, the nemesis traffic will be waiting. And if so, that hour or two in the lanes becomes a time of hell.
Yet it does not have to be a hell. In fact, it ... Views:1276
In non-dualist circles a big question that continuously comes up is whether or not we need to work on our stuff, because, after all, we are already divine. If there is only One that exists perfectly outside of the imperfections of time, and all effort is in time, then why should we work on our ... Views:1616