'How Can I Lose Weight' was Googled 9 million times last month... phew!
Have you ever wondered why some folk never put on weight and others spend their whole life trying to lose it? There are a few mythical answers to this very popular question:
- willpower
- metabolism
- glands (??)
- ... Views:1185
The common or garden boiled potato has slid out of fashion in recent years for various reasons. One contributing factor is the ever increasing number of tasty potato-style snacks available, making boiled spuds seem flavourless and boring.
Of course another problem has been all the fad diets ... Views:973
One drug that’s causing world-wide health problems, even fatalities in some cases, isn’t a class A – heroine or crack or any of the other designer drugs on the market. In fact this drug is and always will be legal, and no, it isn’t alcohol or nicotine.
This drug, that generations have been ... Views:1135
Clothes and skin cream are far removed from potting out your begonias, or digging a trench for a line of potatoes.
But the clothes you wear are important for your protection in the garden. Here are six simple but effective solutions to various gardening hazards...
1. Starting from the ... Views:1360
One of the pleasurable spin-offs in organic gardening is finding alternative ways of coming up with the same, if not
better, end result..... Household throwaways can be valuable to the alternate enthusiast. Here are ten recyclable ideas to make gardening a little less hard on the pocket!
1. ... Views:1496
The most important step to having a healthy body is to eat healthy food. What better way than to grow your own diet in a pot. Many fruits, vegetables, herbs and edible flowers can be grown in pots on a balcony or a patio and some can even be grown successfully on a windowsill.
Use decorative ... Views:1462
If all the grow your own thing is getting a bit overwhelming, or you don't have time or the resources to grow all the crops your family needs to survive, opt for the best options and just grow your own superfoods!
There are so many fruits and vegetables we can grow that are packed full of the ... Views:1480
50% Less Cooking without hitting the fast food button!
Don't you just cringe when some clever kitchen type tells you what you could be doing with the leftovers in the fridge, when it's plainly obvious the leftovers will stay there until they walk out by themselves!
More often than not, ... Views:1765
Of course it's very possible to grow a bunch of healthy kids, especially if you can find the child in you as well. Being a kid can be great fun, and there's no reason why we can't run around and play kids games until we are grandparents and beyond. As soon as the sun is shining get outside in ... Views:1383
There are a number of vitamins and minerals we need on a daily basis to keep us healthy. Strictly speaking we should be able to get all we need from nature, but when you see those irrsistable bottles and jars of 'extra vitamin supplements, it's almost criminal not to give them a try. However, it ... Views:1657
Although growing your own fruit and veg is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself and your family, there is a magical world beyond the simple veggies we can grow in the garden. Some of the most annoying plants in fact have some amazing benefits.
Weeds and wild plants:
Dandelions ... Views:1191
Wouldn't it be great to avoid the weekly supermarket shopping nightmare from time to time? Think of all the petrol, cash and not least of all, the STRESS! An added bonus of avoiding supermarket shopping is that you aren't tempted to buy 'two for the price of one' family packs of chocolate, ... Views:1264
I’ve just recently taken to switching off my computer during the day. No, I’m not ill, I just needed a change. So determined am I to succeed at my internet biz, that I totally switched off. Now, this may seem weird to all you cybernuts out there, but I haven’t left the throng. I’m just taking on ... Views:901
Okay I know it's July but they say Christmas comes earlier every year, and this year, as usual, most of us will be wondering how to get through the long shopping expeditions as well as stressing over the bank balance.
Not necessary! Give friends and family potted herbs to grow in the kitchen ... Views:1664
Don't force yourself out of the most profitable hobby in the universe because you think it's too hard to learn ...It isn't!
Gardening is fast becoming the world's number one hobby, and with all the latest 'alternative' information we have to hand, gardening as a natural science is fun to ... Views:1378