Why do I plateau after dieting on my own? I lose for awhile and then it just stops!
Most women will plateau on a diet, even if they are coming to a clinic, but only for a short time. This can be due to hormones or water weight. If you are dieting on your own, however, you don’t have access to ... Views:1038
Did you know that your body creates both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory chemicals? They are called "prostaglandins" and are from nutrients in the food that you eat. Scientists have learned that imbalances in your diet can lead to the creation of excessive amounts of inflammatory ... Views:1163
Soymilk is great for losing weight because it is low in fat and calories if you use the plain or unsweetened, and has a lower glycemic index than dairy milk, almond milk, or rice milk. The plain soymilk only has 4 g of carbs in a half cup to 8 g in skim milk, and 45 calories versus 60 in skim ... Views:1000
How Does Metabolism Work?
Your body’s metabolism is based on the food that you eat. Your body gets all of its energy from plant and animal products that you ingest on a daily basis. This energy is measured in calories. After you eat your food, your body breaks down the different components ... Views:2074