You’ve spent countless hours preparing your program launch.
Everything is moving forward like clockwork and the last email is just about to go out. With the special offer you’ve included you’re expecting to generate some real interest from your list.
Then it happens - the thing you dread ... Views:1591
A question that many service-based business owners often ask is: “How can I expand my reach and get more clients?”
Is that something you’re struggling with too?
If you have amazing products and services, yet no-one really knows about you and you continue to struggle with how to ‘get more ... Views:1053
One of the goals of many of my clients (ambitious entrepreneurs running service-based businesses) is to increase their profile and reputation as an authority in their field.
Being known and respected as an expert has many advantages, which include:
• The ability to distinguish yourself and ... Views:884
Many business owners can see the value of using social media and other online tools to share helpful and relevant information with their network in order to build their brand and reputation as an expert.
Unlike traditional ‘interruption’ marketing (where businesses continue to push and ... Views:952
Are you a savvy business owner? Are you actively networking your way to the top of your game?
Or, do you realise that this is something you should be doing, however life and ‘being too busy’ just gets in the way. Therefore, you don’t start networking until your project list starts to decline ... Views:1002
Remember the saying: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names [words] will never hurt me”?
It was something my friends and I used to chant in the playground when we were being teased.
Now, as an adult I have to wonder – who on earth coined that phrase? I’d like to tell them that ... Views:974
If I asked you to define the word ‘brand’ – what would you say?
If you answered: “it’s your business logo, your business card, letterhead, envelopes, with compliments slips, marketing material, brochures, website etc”, you’ve responded similarly to many other business owners.
While these ... Views:1211
So now what? You’ve got this amazing website – but hardly anyone else knows about it. What’s the best way to tell people? And, get them to visit, stay for a while, and keep them coming back as they continue to share and tell others about you and the work you’re doing?
If these are questions ... Views:1093
As the owner of a service-based business I’m sure you’re aware of the importance of building your reputation as a specialist in your field.
When you’re seen as an expert, you increase the number of people on your newsletter list and social media networks as they want to learn more about you ... Views:1199
Yesterday while doing some research on Twitter I was alerted to an article that made me stop and think.
The writer was commenting on how airlines were harnessing the power of Twitter and using this tool as an information-sharing platform. This allowed them to share information with customers ... Views:1068
The tall poppy syndrome is well and truly alive.
For those of you who may not be familiar with this saying, Wikipedia describes the tall poppy syndrome as: “a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or ... Views:696
When was the last time you had a holiday?
Does the thought of taking time off from your business send shivers up and down your spine because of all the extra hours you’ll have to do leading up to your holiday just to get things done? Not to mention all of the extra work you’ll need to do ... Views:687
If someone gave you $15,000 with the instructions that you could spend it on whatever you wanted - what would you do?
This was a question I was recently asked.
Had I been asked this several months ago I would have responded quite differently to what my response would be ... Views:743
Do you struggle to “find” the time to get everything done in your business? The to-do list of a solopreneur can certainly seem never-ending as there is always something to do.
Creating and launching your programs; marketing; writing articles and blog posts; working with clients; business ... Views:765
Building a strong brand requires time and commitment as well as ensuring you portray a consistent on-brand message.
Everything you do and say; the people you connect with; the conversations you have – speaks your brand.
Your brand is your reputation. It’s what other people think of when ... Views:720
Each and every one of us has a money cruise control that will affect the amount of income we generate in our business.
What’s a money cruise control? It’s the certain amount of money that you’re comfortable making. And, just like a car’s cruise control is set to a certain speed, our money ... Views:1015
You’re in the process of introducing a new program to your database and everything is prepared.
Your sales page is up; your shopping cart/payment gateway is ready to accept participants; and you’re sending out emails to prospective clients who you know could benefit from your support. ... Views:698
The topic of money is something we don't often talk about.
This was true for my client - Julie.
During one of our recent coaching sessions she mentioned that the only memory she had of her parents talking about money were remarks they made in passing. Comments such as: "it didn't grow on ... Views:717
“If I had more money all my debt and my problems would go away”.
These are familiar words to which I’m sure, many of us can relate.
Unfortunately however, having more money will often not solve our problems.
Just like Susan, who defies all odds to win the coveted Lotto ticket. She ... Views:707
For those of you who are regular readers of my articles - you would have seen that over the past few weeks I’ve been concentrating on the topic of money.
Money is often something we don’t talk about with our friends and colleagues, other than the occasional complaint that there’s ‘never ... Views:826
Business plan – check. Marketing plan – check. Systems, processes and other important business building tools – check, check, check.
While all these things are important when launching and running a business, there’s often one item that gets overlooked. And, this one item will have a ... Views:772
Are you constantly marketing your services and keeping in contact with your list however you’re just not getting the number of people you’d like signing up for your programs? Frustrated because you continue to struggle to reach your income goals? At your wits end?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ – I ... Views:698
With Christmas and New Years celebration behind us I’d imagine that many of you are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday.
So many people go from one year to another without much thought to their goals and plans for the next 12 months. Most people spend more time on planning their ... Views:712
According to, as of September 24, 2010, they have over 175 million registered users with 95 million tweets (posts) being written per day.
With statistics like these it is imperative for your business to be a part of this community. It is also necessary for you to have a ... Views:734
Whether you’re just starting up your business or you’re launching a program, one of the greatest challenges that you may be struggling with is deciding what to charge. If you are – don’t worry. Many service-based businesses struggle with this, even I did when I first started out in business – ... Views:815
As a business woman, one of the biggest obstacles I face is finding focus. There have been times that I have laid out a plan of action and all it took was one thing, a telephone call from a client or colleague, a comment in my Twitter feed, an urgent email, and I was completely off ... Views:825
Are you running a service-based business and believe your branding is all about your logo, tagline and brochures? While these are important elements of your brands ‘touch points’ when I refer to your business’s brand what I am talking about goes much deeper than your stationery and ... Views:725
You’ve hung your shingle outside your front door and are excited at the thought of the work you’ll be doing to support your clients. However, excitement soon turns to dread when you realise that prior to being of service to your clients, you need to become skilled in not only marketing, but also ... Views:1167
Just thinking about attending an interview for their dream job is enough to cause unrest, panic and fear in even the most talented of professionals.
For some people, however, the thought of attending an interview can literally be debilitating. In fact, one person we have recently spoken to, ... Views:815
Just thinking about attending an interview for their dream job is enough to cause unrest, panic and fear in even the most talented of professionals.
“What should I expect?” “What questions do you think they’ll ask me?” “How do I know if my answer is what they are looking for?” “What should I ... Views:783
The turbulent economy has certainly had an impact on many industries, with many companies implementing large-scale staff layoffs and downsizing. Never before has it been more important for people to begin implementing some crucial career management initiatives to reinforce their overall ... Views:1024
With the increasing demands our work schedules are placing on us, it’s easy to understand why at some time or another, we begin to experience low energy and lack of motivation. Experiencing this is quite normal.
While it is easy to let a never-ending ‘to do’ list deplete your ... Views:1115