Ebooks are easily distributed or downloaded online. One of the best features that have served us well is the fact that an eBook is easily updated. As an example, my 2008 eBook, Defeat Foreclosure has been updated four times in six months as the U.S. House and Senate keep changing the laws ... Views:2402
Over the past two decades I have produced and printed books for The Los Angeles Times, Simon & Schuster and Random House and still enjoy relationships with a number of friends at these publishing houses. I am therefore well aware of the horror stories on the street about what is being called ... Views:2160
Self-publishing has such a romantic ring to it—that pioneer spirit or the “Don Quixote” approach to getting your title in print. Self-publishing may be the only option available to most writers these days as major publishers are facing the same hardships as the auto making industry who find ... Views:2236
Job loss, Foreclosure, Depression… or just bad timing, let’s face it, these are difficult times. This article is intended to share my 15 years of real estate experience and to help enlighten readers on how to save their home, protect their credit and fend off the fraudulent ... Views:1242
As we grew up our mothers always passed along little pieces of advice, mine always told me to "be sure my underwear was clean, in case I was in an accident." Like the ambulance driver or the attending nurse would really care, as I lay there covered in blood?
But clever sayings, quips of advice ... Views:1909
Great sex does not begin with rotten kisses. Most people don’t usually think about the “proper” way to kiss—when it comes to the tongue tango, most just wing it. However, each of us probably has encountered enough slobbers, peckers, and tonsil-divers to know that there are right ways and wrong ... Views:2582
For decades parents have searched for tools to involve their children in the learning process at the earliest possible stage of development. Finding books that capture the interest of the child has been the goal of most publishers and the method used was usually brightly colored illustrations, ... Views:1448
Our over analytical approach to realty and addiction to over stimulation makes it difficult for Western Civilization to get a grip on the concept of meditation, let alone practice it. The good news is that we are naturally predisposed to enter into an Alpha state every 90 minutes of the day. ... Views:2775