We do not require any outside stimulus to open and expand our state of consciousness to inspire our being. We have been given the tools of strength and balance in our body, mind and spirit connection. We do not require any outside stimulus to open and expand our state of consciousness to include ... Views:2537
We know that each individual on earth is guided by someone from the spirit world, even though many individuals are not aware of this fact. Many people go through their lives receiving spirit help but are absolutely unaware of that guidance, or its source.
Spirit guides, guardians and teachers ... Views:1280
Communication between the unseen world and our earth existence is called mediumship. Mediumship is the attunement of a person, spirit from within to spirit in the afterlife. It is done on our spirit body.
Mediumship is the attunement of our vibration to the spirit teachers and guides to form a ... Views:1518
Perhaps it is not God turning away from people, so much as people turning their backs on God. It begins with the assumption presented that there is only ONE religion.
God is found in all religions. He expresses him/her self in many and varied ways. There are many paths up the mountain (to the ... Views:1179
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: We are not a human being having a spiritual experience. We are a spiritual being having a human experience.
When we realize our innate spirituality and the capabilities we have to grow and progress in that direction, we are living 'the plan'. This plan is one that ... Views:1402
Revenge is never a good idea. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. He didn't say he would use you as an instrument in vengeance. It is just not your position to take the situation into your own hands. The idea is clear.
The world operates on natural law. There are a number at play at any given ... Views:6038
It is very foolish indeed to assume that calling on God, Angels, Jesus or any other iconic figure to fix what we, ourselves, have thought, done, or perceived. It is our personal responsibility to enter into all the lessons this earth plane existence presents to us.
Recently I spoke with ... Views:1241
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: We are not a human being having a spiritual experience. We are a spiritual being having a human experience.
God is spirit! In the image of God we are spirit. It is our very breath of life when the soul is breathed into our human being.
Within the physical body of ... Views:1392
Natural Law is the law that God set in motion to govern all that He created. It is immutable and unchangeable. There is no record of it ever having been changed to suit the whim and desire of any man or men.
There is a law that controls organic life and one that controls spiritual life and ... Views:1452
There are two things involved here: the thought and the action. In thought we often consider that our life is not what we want it to be. Perhaps it is time to consider: we can make it what we want it to be.
George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their
circumstances for what they ... Views:7326
God is spirit. The same spirit flows through all living beings. As a spark off the spirit, we see our connection to God and then to each other. We are the same energy the flows through all life.
Love is the motive and glue of the universe. God is open in love to all creation. God is patient and ... Views:875
We have the tools of our own consciousness to design a life of spirituality. We have been given the tools of strength and balance in our body, mind and spirit connection. We do not require any outside stimulus to open and expand our state of consciousness to include the sensitivities of ... Views:1489